Computing the first 2 terms of the Taylor series exp. for the center manifold & find the reduced equation on the center manifold.

dynamical systemslinearizationmanifoldsordinary differential equationsstability-in-odes

I am having difficulty solving the problem below. It is from Meiss Dynamics book. Can I please receive help solving the following system? Thank you

Consider the system $$x' = y$$ $$y'=-y+ax^2 + bxy.$$ Compute the first two terms of the Taylor series expansion for the center manifold and find the reduced equation on the center manifold. For what values of $a$ and $b$ is the origin stable? Unstable? Semi-stable? Note the linearization at the origin is not in Jordan Canonical Form.

Best Answer

The equilibrium is attained at the solutions for

$$ \cases{ y=0\\ -y+a x^2+b x y = 0 } $$

so $(0,0)$ is the equilibrium point. To qualify it we compute the jacobian at this point giving

$$ J = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -1 \\ \end{array} \right) $$

with eigenvalues $(1,\ 0)$ so the equilibrium manifold is one-dimensional. To find this manifold we proceed as follows.

For the dynamical system

$$ \cases{ \dot x=f(x,y)\\ \dot y=g(x,y) } $$

Proposing the solution

$$ y=h(x) = \sum_{k=1}^n a_k x^k $$

we have

$$ \dot y=h_x(x)\dot x = h_x(x)f(x,h(x))=g(x,h(x)) $$

assuming $n=4$ equating the $x$ powers we arrive at

$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} a_1&=&0 \\ a_2 &=& a \\ a_3 &=& a b-2 a^2\\ \end{array} \right. $$

and solving we have

$$ h(x) = a x^2+a(b-2a) x^3+ O(x^4) $$

as a near origin approximation.

Follows a plot showing the stream plot for $a = -\frac 12, b = 1$ showing in thick blue a near origin center manifold segment and in red dashed, a path beginning at $(0.5,0.5)$


The central manifold approximate flow for $n=4$ is given by

$$ \dot x = h(x) = a x^2+a (b-2a) x^3+ O(x^4) $$

enter image description here

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