Computing geodesics on pseudo-riemannian manifolds

computational geometrycomputational-algebramanifoldsriemannian-geometry

Consider a pseudo-riemannian manifold $M$ with a metric tensor $g$. Now, given two points $p_1, p_2$ in $M$, how do I compute (as in, programatically compute) the geodesic between these two points?

The closest reference I could find was this, "computing geodescic paths on manifolds", but it appears to require one to triangulate the manifold.

Is there no way to derive closed form / approximate solutions without such methods?

Best Answer

In general, you cannot do it in the pseudo-Riemannian case. Reasons being that one cannot use a pseudo-Riemannian metric to produce a metric space with the same underlying set, and we have three different notions of geodesic completeness (spacelike, timelike and lightlike) which are not related. There is no Hopf-Rinow theorem in the pseudo-Riemannian case. The closest I know of is the Avez-Seifert theorem for globally hyperbolic spacetimes: given two events, one in the future of the other, there is a maximizing timelike geodesic joining those two events, whose proper time realizes the Lorentzian separation between them.

As for how to find a geodesic (once one knows there is one) I can't really say anything, but the point of this answer is emphasizing that there may be no way at all, depending on the case.

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