Compute the operator-norm $L \in B(V,V)$


Let $V = C_\mathbb{R}[0,1]$, define $L \in L(V,V)$ as $(Lf)(x) = xf(x)$. Equip $V$ with the $L^2$-norm. I want to compute the operator norm
\|L\|_{B(V,V)} := \sup\{\|Lf\|_{L^2} : \|f\|_{L^2} \leq 1\}

And I have to show that for any $0 \neq f \in V$ we have have $\|Lf\|_{L^2} < \|L\|_{B(V,V)} \|f\|_{L^2}$.

What I have tried so far. To show $L \in B(V,V)$, I computed:
\|Lf\|_{L_2}^2 = \int_0^1 |xf(x)|^2dx = \int_0^1 |x|^2|f(x)|^2dx
\leq \int_0^1 |f(x)|^2dx = \|f\|_{L_2}^2.

Thus, we have $\|Lf\|_{L_2} \leq k \|f\|_{L_2}$ for $k=1$, and $L$ is bounded. It also follows that $\|L\| \leq 1$.

I expected that we can show somehow that $\|L\| \geq 1$ by showing that there is some sequence $g_n \in C_\mathbb{R}[0,1]$ for which the norm converges to $1$, but I didn't manage to do this, I'm not sure if that's correct, someone has any ideas on how to do this?

Best Answer


To reduce calculations, the following answer is probably way more tractable.

Pick $f_n(x) = \sqrt{2n + 1}x^n$. This "concentrates mass" near $1$. Also, trivially, $\norm{f_n} = 1$.

Also $\norm{Lf_n} = \displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} (2n + 1)x^{2n + 2} = \dfrac{2n + 1}{2n + 3} \to 1$ as $n \to \infty$ as required.

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