Compute the inradius of a triangle and deduce Heron’s formula


In an exercise I am asked to compute the inradius and prove Heron's formula with the following steps:

  1. $AD = AF = s – a$
  2. $ AB+BE′=AD′=s$
  3. $IDB$ y $BD′I′$ are similar

Here, $s$ is the semiperimeter.

This is a picture that shows the proof:

enter image description here

What I already proved was 1. (from similarity between triangles inside of $\triangle ABC$ constructed by inradius and bisectors) and 3. (by AAA similarity theorem) but I can't get some insight about 2.

  • How can I prove 2.?
  • When I prove these steps, how do they lead me to the inradius and Heron's formulas?

$\rho = \sqrt{\frac{(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}{s}}$

$A = \rho s = \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}$

Best Answer

To prove (2), use that the segments from a point to two tangent points are equal. $BD'=BE'$, so $AB+BE'=AB+BD'=AD'$. Similarly, if $F'$ is the point where the excircle touches the extension of $AC$, $AC+CE'=AF'$. By the same property, $AF'=AD'$. However, $2AD'=AF'+AD'=AB+BE'+CE'+AC=P$ where $P$ is the perimeter of $\triangle ABC$.

To prove the formula, first use that $\triangle ADI\sim \triangle AD'I'$ to show that $\frac{r'}{r}=\frac{s}{s-a}$ where $r$ and $r'$ are the radii of the incircle and excircle, respectively. Then use $\triangle IDB\sim\triangle BD'I' $ to show that $\frac{r}{s-c}=\frac{s-b}{r'}$ and finally combine the 2 relations. Note that $BD=s-b$ which is similar to what you proved in (1).