Compute stable / unstable manifolds when eigenvectors have both non-zero x and y components

bifurcationdynamical systemsordinary differential equationsstability-in-odes

In class I was taught to compute stable/unstable manifolds as done in the following example:

We have the dynamical system:
\dot{x} = x-xy

\dot{y} = -y+x^2

We are interested in the manifolds for the fixed point $(0,0)$. We find the Jacobian to be:


Evaluating the Jacobian at the origin gives


Thus, we get the eigenvalue $\lambda_+ = 1$ with associated eigenvector $(1,0)$ and the eigenvalue $\lambda_+ = -1$ with associated eigenvector $(0,1)$.

Thus, we have $E^s = \text{span}${$(0,1)$} = { $x=0$} $= y-$axis and $E^u = \text{span}${$(1,0)$} = {$y = 0$} = x-axis.

Due to symmetry of the system, the stable manifold just be the y-axis. For the unstable manifold, we let $y = g(x)$ since $y \in E^s$ and $x \in E^u$. We then observe that $\dot{y} = \dot{x}g'(x)$. We know $\dot{x}$ and $\dot{y}$ from our original system and so we get

-y+x^2 = (x-xy)g'(x)

But on the manifold $y = g(x)$ and so we get

-g(x) + x^2 = (x-xy)g'(x)

We then try a taylor series expansion for $g(x)$ as $g(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + \dots$ and substitute this into our equation. We can then match coefficients to whatever degree we want.

However I don't know how to do this if the eigenvectors aren't so nice. If we don't have eigenvectors of the form $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$, then the stable/unstable manifolds will not just be on the x or y axis, and will instead have both x and y components. So then I can't let $y=g(x)$ as was done in the example above.

How do we deal with this?

A question I have come across where this occurs is:

\dot{x} = -2x -3y -x^2

\dot{y}= x + 2y + xy -3y^2

In this case I get $E^u = $ span{$(1,-1)$} and $E^u = $ span{$(3,-1)$}. I'm not sure how to continue from here.


Best Answer

You can do exactly the same, set for the first direction $y(x)=x(-1+v(x))$ and insert into the quotient $$ \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{x+2x(-1+v)+x^2(-1+v)-3x^2(-1+v)^2}{-2x-3x(-1+v)-x^2} \\ =\frac{-1+2v-x+xv-3x(1-2v+v^2)}{1-3v-x} \\ =-1+\frac{-v-2x+xv-3x(1-v)^2}{1-3v-x} \\ =-1+v+xv' $$ Isolating $v'$ gives $$ xv'=\frac{-2v-5x +3v^2+8xv-3xv^2}{1-3v-x} $$ Inserting a power series $v(x)=v_1x+v_2x^2+...$ gives $$ 1-(3v_1+1)x-3v_2x^2-...)(v_1+2v_2x+3v_3x^2+...) \\= -5-2(v_1+v_2xv_3x^2+...)+8x(v_1+v_2x+..) \\ +3x(v_1^2+2v_1v_2x+...)-3x^2(v_1^2+2v_1v_2x+...) $$ Comparing coefficients gets $v_1=-\frac53$ $$ 2v_2-v_1(3v_1+1)=-2v_2+8v_1+3v_1^2\\ 4v_2=v_1(9+6v_1)=-\frac53(9-10)=\frac53 $$ etc.

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