Compute area with Green’s Theorem

calculusgreen's theoremmultiple integralmultivariable-calculussolution-verification

\def\box#1#2#3#4#5{\color{#2}{\bbox[0px, border: 2px solid #2]{\hl{#3}{\color{white}{\color{#3}{\boxed{\underline{\large\color{#1}{\text{#4}}}\\\color{#1}{#5}\\}}}}}}}

{\text{Compute $\iint_S1dA$, where $S$ is the region between the x-axis and the curve }\\
\text{$g(t)=\begin{pmatrix}x(t)\\y(t)\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}1-\sin(t)\\1-\cos(t)\end{pmatrix}$ for $0\le t\le 2\pi$. (This curve is called a cycloid.)}}$

Let $Q=x$ and $P=0$, apply Green's Theorem we have
\int_S 1-0~dA=\int_S\frac{\partial Q}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial P}{\partial y}dA=&\int_{\partial S}Pdx+Qdy\\
=&\int_{\partial S}xdy\\

Is my solution correct ?

Best Answer

I don't understand how you derived

\begin{align} &\int_{\partial S}xdy\\ =&\int_0^{2\pi-\sin(2\pi)}0~dt+\int_{2\pi}^{0}(t-\sin(t))\sin(t)dt\\ \end{align}

I think it should be

\begin{align} &\int_{\partial S}xdy\\ =&\int_{2\pi}^{0}(1-\sin t)\sin tdt\\ =&\pi \end{align}

Also, note that the equation for the area of one arch of a cycloid equals $3\pi a^2$ only applys to $$x = a(\boldsymbol{\theta}-\sin \theta)$$ $$y = a(1-\cos \theta)$$

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