Composing rotations and translations given in local coordinate system to determine a time series of global orientations and positions

geometrylinear algebralinear-transformationsquaternionsvectors

I have a time series of camera locations $L_i$ = $\langle Q_i, P_i \rangle$, with each camera location having an initially unknown global orientation quaternion $Q_i$ and global position vector $P_i$. Between each pair of adjacent camera locations $L_i$ and $L_{i+1}$, there is a known mapping $\langle R_i, T_i \rangle$ consisting of a local rotation quaternion $R_i$ and a local translation vector $T_i$ that rotate and then translate the camera from $L_{i+1}$ back to the local coordinate system of $L_i$ (i.e. $L_i$ is fixed, and the local transformations map or register $L_{i+1}$ to $L_i$). Given a point $X_{i+1}$ representing the coordinates of a specific point $X$ in the local coordinate system of $L_{i+1}$, the coordinates of $X$ may be found for the local coordinate system of $L_i$ using:

$X_i = R_i X_{i+1} R_i^{-1} + T_i$

and therefore,

$X_{i-1} = R_{i-1} (R_i X_{i+1} R_i^{-1} + T_i) R_{i-1}^{-1} + T_{i-1}$.

This rule may be applied iteratively to eventually find $X_0$, which is the coordinates of $X_{i+1}$ in the global coordinate system.

However, applying these transformations backwards, from the last camera location to the first, for a series of 3D point clouds $X_i^j$ captured from each camera location $L_i$, is an $O(N^2)$ operation in the number of camera locations $N$, since all points in each point cloud for a camera location $L_i$ have to be transformed by all $\langle R_j, T_j \rangle$ for $0 \le j \lt i$. Therefore, I would like to invert these transformations so that the "inverse" of each local transform can simply be concatenated to produce a new set of transformations $\langle Q_i, P_i \rangle$ that directly transform a point $X_i$ to $X_0$ (i.e. that directly transform from the coordinate system of $L_i$ into the coordinate system of $L_0$) via the single transform:

$X_0 = Q_i X_i Q_i^{-1} + P_i$

The core question: How can $Q_{i}$ and $P_{i}$ be computed from $\langle R_j, T_j \rangle$, for $0 \le j \lt i\,$? (Note that it is fine to assume that $L_0$ is already in the global coordinate system, rather than $L_{N-1}$, when working from the beginning of the list of transformations, i.e. $Q_0$ is the identity and $P_0$ is zero.)

The problem is that the transformations are defined as a chain back from the last camera position to the first, but I need the cumulative concatenation of transforms from the first camera position to the last. I think this requires inverting the relative order of rotation and translation: given $A_i X_i A_i^{-1} + B_i$, how do you find the equivalent transformation expressed as $C_i (X_i + D_i) C_i^{-1}$?

Best Answer

Third take. Stop changing the definitions! :)

We have a sequence of cumulative rotation unit quaternions $R_i$ and cumulative translations $T_i$ in each local coordinate system, with $Q_i$ describing the rotation from the global coordinate system to local coordinate system at step $i$, and $P_i$ being the sum total translations up to and including step $i$ in the global coordinate system:

$$Q_i = Q_{i-1} R_{i-1} \tag{1a}\label{None1a}$$ or equivalently $$Q_i = Q_{i+1} R_i^{-1} \tag{1b}\label{None1b}$$ and $$P_i = P_{i-1} + Q_{i-1} T_{i-1} Q_{i-1}^{-1} \tag{2a}\label{None2a}$$ or equivalently $$P_i = P_{i+1} - Q_i T_i Q_i^{-1} \tag{2b}\label{None2b}$$

We can use $\eqref{None1a}$ or $\eqref{None1b}$ to construct $Q_0^\prime, Q_1^\prime, \dots, Q_{N-1}^\prime, Q_{N}^\prime$. With $\eqref{None1a}$, set $Q_N^\prime = 1$ and iterate $i = N-1, N-2, \dots, 2, 1, 0$. With $\eqref{None1b}$, set $Q_0\prime = 0$ and iterate $i = 1, 2, \dots, N-1, N$.

Then, fix $Q_k = 1$ (where $0 \le k \le N$), by iterating $$Q_i = Q_k^{\prime -1} Q_i^\prime, \quad \forall i \tag{3}\label{None3}$$

After you have the orientations, you can calculate the total translations $P_i$ using $$P_0^\prime = \vec{0}, \quad P_i^\prime = P_{i-1}^\prime + Q_{i-1} T_{i-1} Q_{i-1}^{-1} \tag{4a}\label{None4a}$$ or $$P_N^\prime = \vec{0}, \quad P_i^\prime = P_{i+1}^\prime - Q_i T_i Q_i^{-1} \tag{4b}\label{None4b}$$ which will yield the same translations except for a constant difference. Again, to fix $P_k = \vec{0}$ for some $0 \le k \le N$, iterate $$P_i = P_i^\prime - P_k^\prime, \quad \forall i \tag{5}\label{None5}$$

As you can clearly see, this has $O(N)$ time complexity.

If $k = N$, use the $(a)$ methods; and if $k = 0$, the $(b)$ methods. This way the fixup is an identity operation, and can be skipped.

Note that with the fixup pass, both $(a)$ and $(b)$ work for all $k$, including $k = 0$ and $k = N$. Choosing one over the other is just an optimization.

Here is an example Python3 program, that implements two helper classes, Vector and Versor, and implements the above logic. (If you save this as, you can use pydoc3 example to see the API it provides. It is in Public Domain, and you can use the classes in your own scripts if you put it in the same directory, and add from example import Vector, Versor.)

"""3D Euclidean vector class 'Vector', and unit quaternion class 'Versor'
   -- a playground for experimenting with rotations in 3D"""

# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos, atan2

class Vector(tuple):
    """3D Cartesian vector type"""

    FORMAT = "(%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f)"

    def __new__(cls, x, y, z):
        """Create a new vector"""
        return tuple.__new__(cls, (float(x), float(y), float(z)))

    def x(self):
        """x coordinate"""
        return self[0]

    def y(self):
        """y coordinate"""
        return self[1]

    def z(self):
        """z coordinate"""
        return self[2]

    def norm(self):
        """Euclidean length"""
        return sqrt(self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2])

    def normsqr(self):
        """Euclidean length squared"""
        return self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2]

    def unit_vector(self):
        """Scaled to unit length"""
        n = sqrt(self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2])
        if n > 0:
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (self[0]/n, self[1]/n, self[2]/n))
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (0, 0, 0))

    def perpendicular_to(self, other):
        """Part perpendicular to another vector"""
        nn = float(other[0])**2 + float(other[1])**2 + float(other[2])**2
        if nn > 0:
            d = (self[0]*other[0] + self[1]*other[1] + self[2]*other[2]) / nn
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (self[0] - d*other[0],
                                          self[1] - d*other[1],
                                          self[2] - d*other[2]))
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (0, 0, 0))

    def transform(self, matrix, translate=(0,0,0), pretranslate=(0,0,0)):
        """Transform this point by rotation matrix and translation"""
        curr = Vector(self[0]+pretranslate[0], self[1]+pretranslate[1], self[2]+pretranslate[2])
        post = Vector(translate)
        return Vector(matrix[0][0]*curr[0] + matrix[0][1]*curr[1] + matrix[0][2]*curr[2] + post[0],
                      matrix[1][0]*curr[0] + matrix[1][1]*curr[1] + matrix[1][2]*curr[2] + post[1],
                      matrix[2][0]*curr[0] + matrix[2][1]*curr[1] + matrix[2][2]*curr[2] + post[2])

    def __str__(self):
        """Conversion to string"""
        return Vector.FORMAT % self

    def __abs__(self):
        """Absolute value is the Euclidean length"""
        return sqrt(self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2])

    def __neg__(self):
        """Opposite vector, negation"""
        return tuple.__new__(Vector, (-self[0], -self[1], -self[2]))

    def __bool__(self):
        """Nonzero vectors are considered True, zero vectors False"""
        return (self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] > 0)

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Vector addition"""
        return tuple.__new__(Vector, (self[0]+other[0], self[1]+other[1], self[2]+other[2]))

    def __radd__(self, other):
        """Vector addition"""
        return tuple.__new__(Vector, (other[0]+self[0], other[1]+self[1], other[2]+self[2]))

    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Vector subtraction"""
        return tuple.__new__(Vector, (self[0]-other[0], self[1]-other[1], self[2]-other[2]))
    def __radd__(self, other):
        """Vector subtraction"""
        return tuple.__new__(Vector, (other[0]-self[0], other[1]-self[1], other[2]-self[2]))

    def __mul__(self, scalar):
        if isinstance(scalar, (int, float)):
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (self[0]*scalar, self[1]*scalar, self[2]*scalar))
            return NotImplemented

    def __rmul__(self, scalar):
        if isinstance(scalar, (int, float)):
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (scalar*self[0], scalar*self[1], scalar*self[2]))
            return NotImplemented

    def __truediv__(self, scalar):
        if isinstance(scalar, (int, float)):
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, (self[0]/scalar, self[1]/scalar, self[2]/scalar))
            return NotImplemented

    def __rtruediv__(self, ignored):
        return NotImplemented

    def __or__(self, other):
        """Dot product, a | b"""    
        if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) and len(other) == 3:
            return self[0]*other[0] + self[1]*other[1] + self[2]*other[2]
            return NotImplemented

    def dot(self, other):
        """Dot product"""
        return self[0]*other[0] + self[1]*other[1] + self[2]*other[2]

    def __xor__(self, other):
        """Cross product, a ^ b"""
        if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) and len(other) == 3:
            return tuple.__new__(Vector, ( self[1]*other[2] - self[2]*other[1],
                                           self[2]*other[0] - self[0]*other[2],
                                           self[0]*other[1] - self[1]*other[0] ))
            return NotImplemented

    def cross(self, other):
        """Cross product"""
        return tuple.__new__(Vector, ( self[1]*other[2] - self[2]*other[1],
                                       self[2]*other[0] - self[0]*other[2],
                                       self[0]*other[1] - self[1]*other[0] ))

class Versor(tuple):
    """Unit quaternion type describing an orientation or a rotation"""

    FORMAT = "(%8.5f;%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f)"

    def __new__(cls, w, x, y, z):
        """Create a new versor"""
        w = float(w)
        x = float(x)
        y = float(y)
        z = float(z)
        n = sqrt(w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z)
        if n == 0:
            w = 1
            x = 0
            y = 0
            z = 0
        elif n != 1:
            w /= n
            x /= n
            y /= n
            z /= n
        return tuple.__new__(cls, (w, x, y, z))

    def from_axis_angle(cls, axis, angle):
        """Create a versor from an axis and angle in degrees"""
        x = float(axis[0])
        y = float(axis[1])
        z = float(axis[2])
        h = angle * pi / 360.0
        n = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
        if n == 0:
            return tuple.__new__(cls, (1, 0, 0, 0))
        s, c = sin(h), cos(h)
        return tuple.__new__(cls, (c, s*x/n, s*y/n, s*z/n))

    def __str__(self):
        """Conversion to string"""
        return Versor.FORMAT % self

    def __abs__(self):
        return sqrt(self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2])

    def __neg__(self):
        return Versor(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3])

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            return (self[0]*other, self[1]*other, self[2]*other, self[3]*other)            
        elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) and len(other) == 4:
            return (self[0]*other[0] - self[1]*other[1] - self[2]*other[2] - self[3]*other[3],
                    self[0]*other[1] + self[1]*other[0] + self[2]*other[3] - self[3]*other[2],
                    self[0]*other[2] - self[1]*other[3] + self[2]*other[0] + self[3]*other[1],
                    self[0]*other[3] + self[1]*other[2] - self[2]*other[1] + self[3]*other[0])
            return NotImplemented

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            return (other*self[0], other*self[1], other*self[2], other*self[3])
        elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) and len(other) == 4:
            return (other[0]*self[0] - other[1]*self[1] - other[2]*self[2] - other[3]*self[3],
                    other[0]*self[1] + other[1]*self[0] + other[2]*self[3] - other[3]*self[2],
                    other[0]*self[2] - other[1]*self[3] + other[2]*self[0] + other[3]*self[1],
                    other[0]*self[3] + other[1]*self[2] - other[2]*self[1] + other[3]*self[0])
            return NotImplemented

    def w(self):
        """Versor real component"""
        return self[0]

    def x(self):
        """Versor vector x component"""
        return self[1]

    def y(self):
        """Versor vector y component"""
        return self[2]

    def z(self):
        """Versor vector z component"""
        return self[3]

    def axis(self):
        """Rotation unit axis vector"""
        n = sqrt(self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] + self[3]*self[3])
        if n > 0:
            return Vector(self[1]/n, self[2]/n, self[3]/n)
            return Vector(0, 0, 0)

    def angle(self):
        """Rotation angle, in degrees"""
        n = sqrt(self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] + self[3]*self[3])
        if n > 0:
            return atan2(n, self[0]) * 360.0 / pi

    def normalized(self):
        """Versor normalized to unit length"""
        n = sqrt(self[0]*self[0] + self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] + self[3]*self[3])
        if n == 0:
            return tuple.__new__(Versor, (1, 0, 0, 0))
        elif n != 1:
            return tuple.__new__(Versor, (self[0]/n, self[1]/n, self[2]/n, self[3]/n))
            return self

    def inverse(self):
        """Inverse of this versor"""
        return tuple.__new__(Versor, (self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3]))

    def matrix(self):
        """Rotation matrix corresponding to this versor"""
        c01 = 2*self[0]*self[1]
        c02 = 2*self[0]*self[2]
        c03 = 2*self[0]*self[3]
        c11 = 2*self[1]*self[1]
        c12 = 2*self[1]*self[2]
        c13 = 2*self[1]*self[3]
        c22 = 2*self[2]*self[2]
        c23 = 2*self[2]*self[3]
        c33 = 2*self[3]*self[3]
        return ( Vector(1-c22-c33, c12-c03, c13+c02),
                 Vector(c12+c03, 1-c11-c33, c23-c01),
                 Vector(c13-c02, c23+c01, 1-c11-c22) )

    def rotate(self, other):
        """For vector v, q.rotate(v) calculates q v q^-1 .
           For quaternion p, q.rotate(p) calculates q p."""
        if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) and len(other) == 3:
            x = float(other[0])
            y = float(other[1])
            z = float(other[2])
            c00 = self[0]*self[0]
            c11 = self[1]*self[1]
            c22 = self[2]*self[2]
            c33 = self[3]*self[3]
            c01 = 2*self[0]*self[1]
            c02 = 2*self[0]*self[2]
            c03 = 2*self[0]*self[3]
            c12 = 2*self[1]*self[2]
            c13 = 2*self[1]*self[3]
            c23 = 2*self[2]*self[3]
            return Vector(x*(c00+c11-c22-c33) + y*(c12-c03) + z*(c02+c13),
                          x*(c03+c12) + y*(c00-c11+c22-c33) + z*(c23-c01),
                          x*(c13-c02) + y*(c01+c23) + z*(c00-c11-c22+c33))
        elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) and len(other) == 4:
            return Versor(self[0]*other[0] - self[1]*other[1] - self[2]*other[2] - self[3]*other[3],
                          self[0]*other[1] + self[1]*other[0] + self[2]*other[3] - self[3]*other[2],
                          self[0]*other[2] - self[1]*other[3] + self[2]*other[0] + self[3]*other[1],
                          self[0]*other[3] + self[1]*other[2] - self[2]*other[1] + self[3]*other[0])
            raise ValueError("Cannot rotate a %s" % str(type(other)))

    def rotated_by(self, other):
        """For quaternion p, q.rotated_by(p) calculates p q."""
        w = other[0]*self[0] - other[1]*self[1] - other[2]*self[2] - other[3]*self[3]
        x = other[0]*self[1] + other[1]*self[0] + other[2]*self[3] - other[3]*self[2]
        y = other[0]*self[2] - other[1]*self[3] + other[2]*self[0] + other[3]*self[1]
        z = other[0]*self[3] + other[1]*self[2] - other[2]*self[1] + other[3]*self[0]
        n = sqrt(w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z)
        if n == 0:
            return tuple.__new__(Versor, (1, 0, 0, 0))
        elif n != 1:
            w /= n
            x /= n
            y /= n
            z /= n
        return tuple.__new__(Versor, (w, x, y, z))

    def transform(self, points, translate=(0, 0, 0), pretranslate=(0,0,0)):
        result = []
        pre = Vector(pretranslate[0], pretranslate[1], pretranslate[2])
        post = Vector(translate[0], translate[1], translate[2])
        for p in points:
            result.append(self.rotate(Vector(p) + pre) + post)
        return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from random import Random
    rng = Random()

    N = 10

    # Cumulative inverse rotations and local translations
    R = []
    T = []
    for i in range(0, N):
        while True:
            x = rng.uniform(-1,+1)
            y = rng.uniform(-1,+1)
            z = rng.uniform(-1,+1)
            n = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
            if n > 0.1 and n < 1.0:
        R.append(Versor.from_axis_angle(Vector(x, y, z), rng.uniform(-180, 180)))
        T.append(Vector(rng.uniform(-2,+2), rng.uniform(-2,+2), rng.uniform(-2,+2)))

    n = N - 1

    # Valid range for k is 0..N, inclusive.
    k = round(rng.uniform(-0.49, N+0.49))

    Qa = [ None ]*(N+1)
    Qb = [ None ]*(N+1)
    Pa = [ None ]*(N+1)
    Pb = [ None ]*(N+1)

    # Orientation

    # a) Forwards
    Qa[0] = Versor(1,0,0,0)
    for i in range(1, N+1):     # i = 1, 2, ..., N-1, N.
        Qa[i] = Qa[i-1].rotate(R[i-1])

    # b) Backwards
    Qb[N] = Versor(1,0,0,0)
    for i in range(N-1,-1,-1):  # i = N-1, N-2, ..., 1, 0.
        Qb[i] = Qb[i+1].rotate(R[i].inverse)
    print("Orientation quaternions before fixup pass:")
    for i in range(0, N+1):     # i = 0, 1, ..., N-1, N.
        print("%s : %s" % (str(Qa[i]), str(Qb[i])))

    # Orientation fixup.
    QaFix = Qa[k].inverse
    QbFix = Qb[k].inverse
    for i in range(0, N+1):     # i = 0, 1, ..., N-1, N.
        Qa[i] = QaFix.rotate(Qa[i])
        Qb[i] = QbFix.rotate(Qb[i])

    # Position

    # a) Forwards
    Pa[0] = Vector(0,0,0)
    for i in range(1, N+1):     # i = 1, 2, ..., N-1, N.
        Pa[i] = Pa[i-1] + Qa[i-1].rotate(T[i-1])

    # b) Backwards
    Pb[N] = Vector(0,0,0)
    for i in range(N-1,-1,-1):  # i = N-1, N-2, ..., 1, 0.
        Pb[i] = Pb[i+1] - Qb[i].rotate(T[i])

    # Position fixup.
    PaFix = Pa[k]
    PbFix = Pb[k]
    for i in range(0, N+1):     # i = 0, 1, ..., N-1, N.
        Pa[i] = Pa[i] - PaFix
        Pb[i] = Pb[i] - PbFix

    print("Orientation quaternions after fixup pass for k=%d:" % k)
    qerr = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
    perr = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
    for i in range(0, N+1):     # i = 0, 1, ..., N-1, N.
        print("%s = %s   %s = %s" % (str(Qa[i]), str(Qb[i]), str(Pa[i]), str(Pb[i])))
        qerr = [ max(qerr[0], abs(Qa[i][0] - Qb[i][0])),
                 max(qerr[1], abs(Qa[i][1] - Qb[i][1])),
                 max(qerr[2], abs(Qa[i][2] - Qb[i][2])),
                 max(qerr[3], abs(Qa[i][3] - Qb[i][3])) ]
        perr = [ max(perr[0], abs(Pa[0] - Pb[0])),
                 max(perr[1], abs(Pa[1] - Pb[1])),
                 max(perr[2], abs(Pa[2] - Pb[2])) ]

    print("Max errors: %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f   %.6f %.6f %.6f" % (*qerr, *perr))

When run, the program generates ten rotations and translations, and uses the two iteration directions to solve $Q_i$ and $P_i$ with a random $k$.

The output contains first $Q_a^\prime$ and $Q_b^\prime$ before the fixup pass, then $Q_a$, $Q_b$, $P_a$, and $P_b$. If this approach works, then $Q_a = Q_b$ and $P_a = P_b$, with a selected row ($k = 0$ being the first) having $Q_a = Q_b = 1$ and $P_a = P_b = \vec{0}$. The last line reports the maximum component-wise differences between each pair of $Q_a$, $Q_b$ and $P_a$, $P_b$.

Here is the output from an example run:

Orientation quaternions before fixup pass:
( 1.00000; 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000) : ( 0.77039;-0.19139,-0.58682,-0.15973)
( 0.41966;-0.19167,-0.83338, 0.30435) : (-0.15381;-0.53969,-0.79943, 0.21446)
( 0.69413; 0.48687,-0.52190, 0.09363) : ( 0.33662; 0.10393,-0.86924, 0.34685)
( 0.77771; 0.49771,-0.37579,-0.07897) : ( 0.46126; 0.22090,-0.84049, 0.17893)
( 0.92556; 0.28991,-0.23517,-0.06307) : ( 0.62045; 0.04565,-0.78269, 0.01871)
(-0.24442; 0.33496,-0.88851,-0.19650) : (-0.67698; 0.27822,-0.63217, 0.25427)
( 0.40926; 0.48004,-0.01805,-0.77572) : ( 0.27267; 0.74382,-0.47920,-0.37783)
(-0.34109; 0.24307,-0.89218,-0.16908) : (-0.76681; 0.20925,-0.55835, 0.23762)
(-0.48096; 0.51707, 0.30692,-0.63805) : (-0.19338; 0.91384, 0.31398,-0.17004)
( 0.45215; 0.51974, 0.68178, 0.24620) : ( 0.88721; 0.27829, 0.22401, 0.29195)
( 0.77039; 0.19139, 0.58682, 0.15973) : ( 1.00000; 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000)
Orientation quaternions after fixup pass for k=5:
(-0.24442;-0.33496, 0.88851, 0.19650) = (-0.24442;-0.33496, 0.88851, 0.19650)   (-0.36075, 0.15348,-3.62981) = (-0.36075, 0.15348,-3.62981)
( 0.51388; 0.34046, 0.64085, 0.45752) = ( 0.51388; 0.34046, 0.64085, 0.45752)   ( 0.47612,-0.59985,-2.00515) = ( 0.47612,-0.59985,-2.00515)
( 0.43873;-0.16576, 0.87133,-0.14426) = ( 0.43873;-0.16576, 0.87133,-0.14426)   ( 0.18914,-0.35767,-1.86871) = ( 0.18914,-0.35767,-1.86871)
( 0.32603;-0.37848, 0.85420,-0.14422) = ( 0.32603;-0.37848, 0.85420,-0.14422)   ( 1.60830,-2.51529,-2.32274) = ( 1.60830,-2.51529,-2.32274)
( 0.09222;-0.39072, 0.91569, 0.01848) = ( 0.09222;-0.39072, 0.91569, 0.01848)   ( 0.61687,-1.03912,-1.88966) = ( 0.61687,-1.03912,-1.88966)
( 1.00000; 0.00000, 0.00000,-0.00000) = ( 1.00000; 0.00000,-0.00000, 0.00000)   ( 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000) = ( 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000)
( 0.22923;-0.94011, 0.20253,-0.15045) = ( 0.22923;-0.94011, 0.20253,-0.15045)   ( 1.83789,-0.53006,-0.60693) = ( 1.83789,-0.53006,-0.60693)
( 0.99072; 0.07993,-0.09386, 0.05718) = ( 0.99072; 0.07993,-0.09386, 0.05718)   ( 2.73874,-2.16200,-1.44103) = ( 2.73874,-2.16200,-1.44103)
( 0.14344;-0.59250,-0.61448,-0.50078) = ( 0.14344;-0.59250,-0.61448,-0.50078)   ( 2.76191,-1.35384,-0.52793) = ( 2.76191,-1.35384,-0.52793)
(-0.59057;-0.19371, 0.41969,-0.66149) = (-0.59057;-0.19371, 0.41969,-0.66149)   ( 4.10824,-0.82590,-2.47648) = ( 4.10824,-0.82590,-2.47648)
(-0.67698;-0.27822, 0.63217,-0.25427) = (-0.67698;-0.27822, 0.63217,-0.25427)   ( 5.38527,-3.28029,-2.42548) = ( 5.38527,-3.28029,-2.42548)
Max errors: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000   0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Hopefully this suffices as a numerical proof that this approach works.

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