Complex analysis with logarithms

complex numberscomplex-analysis

Question: If $\Im z_{1} > 0$ and $\Im z_{2} > 0$, does $Log(z_{1}z_{2}) = Log z_{1} + Log z_{2}$?

If yes, prove the statement.
If no, give a counterexample.

My approach:
Suppose that $\Im z_{1} > 0$ and $\Im z_{2} > 0$, then

$z_{1} = r_{1}\exp i \theta_{1}$ and $z_{2} = r_{2}\exp i \theta_{2}$

where $0<\theta_{1}<\pi$ and $0<\theta_{2}<\pi$

Thus, $0<\theta_{1} + \theta_{2}<2\pi$

Thus, $Log(z_{1}z_{2}) = Log[(r_{1}r_{2})\exp i (\theta_{1} + \theta_{2})] = Log(r_{1}r_{2}) + i (\theta_{1} + \theta_{2})$

What should I do next to prove that the statement is true? I'm not sure if it is true but cannot find a counterargument.

Thank you so much for your help!

P/S: The principal value of $log z$ is $Log z$.
Please do not edit when you don't know the actual terms.

Best Answer

The principal value of the complex logarithm and the principal value of the argument of non-zero complex numbers are connected via $$ \DeclareMathOperator{Log}{Log} \DeclareMathOperator{Arg}{Arg} \Log(z) = \log |z| + i \Arg(z) \, , $$ so the question whether $$ \tag{1} \Log(z_1 z_2) = \Log(z_1) + \Log(z_2) $$ holds or not is equivalent to asking if $$ \tag{2} \Arg(z_1 z_2) = \Arg(z_1) + \Arg(z_2) $$ holds or not.

The number on the right-hand side of $(2)$ is an argument of $z_1 z_2$, and $\Arg(z)$ is usually defined as the argument in the range $(-\pi, \pi]$. This means that $(2)$ and $(1)$ hold if and only if $$ -\pi < \Arg(z_1) + \Arg(z_2) \le \pi \, . $$

You have restricted $z_1$ and $z_2$ to the upper half-plane $\Im(z) > 0$, but that is not sufficient to make $(1)$ and $(2)$ hold. We can still find numbers whose arguments add up to a value larger than $\pi$, e.g. by picking both numbers in the second quadrant.

A simple counterexample is $z_1 = z_2 = -1 + i$.

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