Complete+bounded homeomorphic to incomplete+unbounded


I'm aware that completeness and (total) boundedness are not preserved under homeomorphism, with $(0,1) \cong \mathbb R$ being a counterexample to both simultaneously. I'm curious if there exists a "double counterexample" in another way:

Are there homeomorphic metric spaces $M$ and $N$ such that
$M$ is both complete and bounded,
but $N$ is neither complete nor bounded?

Of course in that case, $M$ could not be totally bounded, else it would be compact, which is certainly a topological property!

Best Answer

You could let $M$ be $\mathbb R$ with the metric $d(x,y)=\min(1,|x-y|)$ and $N$ be $(0,\infty)$ with the usual metric.

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