Compact set between open and compact sets


I'd like to verify if my proof for this problem from Spivak's Calculus on a manifold makes sense:

1-22. If $U$ open and $C\subset U$ is compact, show that there is a compact set $D$ such that $C\subset {\rm int} \ D$ and $D\subset U$.

Proof: $U$ is open implies that $U^c$ is closed and $U^c \cap C=\emptyset$, also since $C$ is compact, by result from 1-21, there exists $d>0$ such that $|y-x|\geq d$ for all $y\in U^c$ and $x\in C$. Now take $D=\overline{C\cup (\bigcup_{x\in \partial C} U_x)}$ where $U_x$ is the open rectangle of side length $d/2$ centered at $x$. By construction, $C\subset {\rm int}\ D$. Also since all $\overline{U_x}\in U$, we have $D\subset U$. Finally, $D$ is bounded and closed, so $D$ is compact.

Note: I've learned point-set topology before reading Spivak's book, but in this case I just want to find a simple proof based on the limited definitions Spivak has provided without recourse to topology.

Best Answer

There is a minor flaw in your proof: if $U_x$ is an open rectangle of side length $\frac{d}{2}$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$, then the distance from its center $x$ to a corner is $\frac{d}{4} \sqrt{n}$, which for large enough $n$ will be greater than $d$. In that case you can no longer conclude that $U_x \subset U$.

This is easily fixed by letting $U_x$ be an open ball of radius $\frac{d}{2}$ instead of a rectangle.

Otherwise the proof looks fine.