Compact operator on $L_2([0,1],m)$


Consider the Hilbert space $H=L_2([0,1],m)$ where $m$ is the Lebesgue measure on the interval $[0,1]$. Let $T \in \mathcal{L}(H,H)$ given by
T\ f(x)=x \ f(x) \ \ \ \ f \in H,\ x \in[0,1]

Is $T$ compact? I know that one way to prove that an operator is compact is to find a sequence of compact operator that converges to $T$. On the other side, to prove that $T$ is not compact, I should find a sequence such that its image doesn't admit a convergent subsequence.

Best Answer

You can easily check that $T$ has no eigenvalues. However, $\lambda=\frac 1 2$ is in the spectrum but not in the point spectrum. Just try to solve for $$\left( \frac 1 2 - x\right) f(x) = 1$$ and see that no solution exists. But we know that the spectrum of a compact operator except zero consists only of eigenvalues. Hence the operator $T$ can not be compact.

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