Algebraic Topology – Compact Group Transitive Implies Fundamental Group Has Finite Commutator Subgroup


Suppose that M is a manifold admitting a smooth transitive action by a compact Lie group. Prove that the fundamental group of M fits into the SES
1 \to \Gamma \to \pi_1(M) \to A \to 1

Where $ \Gamma $ is finite and $ A $ is abelian.

This is equivalent to the commutator subgroup of $ \pi_1(M) $ (the kernel of the first Hurewicz map) being finite.

For example this criterion shows that the klein bottle does not admit a transitive action by any compact group.

Best Answer

I think this is very similar to what tkf suggested! See theorem 2.2 of

Suppose the compact group G acts transitively on M. Then the universal cover
$$ \widetilde{G}\cong K \times \mathbb{R}^n $$ also acts transitively (here $ K $ is compact and simply connected). So for some closed stabilizer group $ H $ we have
$$ M \cong \widetilde{G}/H $$ Consider the projection p of H onto the second factor $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Then we have a SES $$ 1 \to ker(p) \to H \to p(H) \to 1 $$ Observe that p(H) is abelian since it is a subgroup of $ \mathbb{R}^n $ and $ ker(p) $ is compact because it is a subgroup of $ K \times 0 $. Take $ \pi_0 $ of this SES then we have another SES of discrete groups $$ 1\to \pi_0(ker(p)) \to \pi_0(H) \to \pi_0(p(H)) \to 1 $$ The first component group is compact and discrete so it must be finite. The third component group is a discrete subgroup $ \mathbb{R}^n $ so just $ \mathbb{Z}^k $. This proves that $\pi_0(H) $ is finite by abelian. Since $ \widetilde{G} $ is simply connected then $ \pi_1(M)=\pi_0(H) $ is finite by abelian.

Related fun facts from this same reference:

If G compact acts transitively then M admits a nonnegative curvature metric with respect to which G acts by isometries.