Combinatorics: Distributing coins among three persons


Seven different coins are to be divided among three persons. If no two of the persons receive the same number of coins but each receive at least one coin & none is left over, then the number of ways in which the division may be made is:

(A) 420

(B) 630

(C) 710

(D) None of these

The answer given is option (B)

This is how I solved it

Using inclusion-exclusion principle, distribution of 7 different coins into 3 different groups (of unknown size), such that no group is empty.

$$3^7-^3C_1(3-1)^7+^3C_2(3-2)^7=1806$$ But this also includes the counting of groups with any two same number of coins, thus we need to subtract that from the above term, let it be $K$.

The only possible case with "If no two of the persons receive the same number of coins" is 2 same, 2 same, 1 different, these are $$(3,3,1), (2,2,3),(1,1,5)$$ Thus the corresponding arrangements are:-$$\frac{7!}{3!3!1!} , \frac{7!}{2!2!3!}, \frac{7!}{1!1!5!}$$Sum of these three $K=392$

Thus answer $=1806-392=1414$

But the answer given is option (B). Where am I wrong? How would you solve the problem?

Best Answer

I would reason as follows :

The only distribution that satisfies the conditions is $(1, 2, 4)$. This gives rise to $\binom{7}{4} \times \binom{3}{2} \times \binom{1}{1}$ arrangements : first we choose the 4-coin group, then among the 3 remaining coins we choose the 2-coin group, then among the 1 coin left we "choose" the 1-coin group. That gives 105 possibilities.

Now that we have separated the coins into three unequal (in terms of cardinal), non-empty groups, we assign these three groups to the three people : there are $3 !$ possibilities.

Total is therefore $105 \times 6 = 630$.