Combinatorial proof for a Catalan number identity with an alternating sum.


Define the function

$$ T_a(x) := 1/(a + 1/x). \tag1 $$

It is easy to check that

$$ T_{a+b}(x) = T_a (T_b(x)). \tag2 $$

Specialize this equality to get

$$ x = T_ 0(x) = T_ 1(T_{-1}(x)) = T_{-1}(T_ 1(x)). \tag3 $$

Equivalently, this implies that

$$ z = 1/(-1 + 1/y) \;\; \text{iff} \;\;
y = 1/(1 + 1/z) \;\; \text{iff} \;\; z – y = y\,z. \tag4 $$

Expand, using formal power series to get

$$ z\!=\!y + y^2 + y^3 + y^4 + \cdots \;\; \text{iff}
\;\; y\!=\!z – z^2 + z^3 – z^4 + \cdots. \tag5 $$

Introduce the generating function of
Catalan numbers

$$ c(x) := \sum_{n=0}^\infty C_n x^n = 1 + x + 2x^2 + 5x^3 + \cdots. \
\tag6 $$

The usual well-known recurrence for Catalan numbers is

$$ C_{n+1} = \sum_{k=0}^n C_k C_ {n-k} \tag7 $$

with many direct combinatorial interpretations. Expressed in terms
of the generating function $\,c (x)\,$ this is equivalent to

$$ c(x) = 1 + x\,c (x)^2 = 1 + (c(x) x) c(x). \tag8 $$

This is also algebraically equivalent to

$$ (c(x)-1) = (c(x)x) + (c(x)x)(c(x)-1). \tag9 $$

Iterating this equality to the limit produces the infinite series equation

$$ (c(x)-1) = (c(x)x) + (c(x)x)^2 + (c(x)x)^3 + \cdots. \tag{10} $$

This has direct combinatorial interpretations also. For example,
every Dyck word splits uniquely into nonempty irreducible Dyck words
each of which uniquely corresponds to a Dyck word after removing the
first and last letters.

Apply equation $(5)$ to this equation to get

$$ (c(x)x) = (c(x)-1) – (c(x)-1)^2 + (c(x)-1)^3 – \cdots. \tag{11} $$

The question is how to prove this combinatorially. A difficulty is
how to interpret the alternating sum combinatorially. Perhaps one way
is to use

It would be sufficient to find a combinatorial proof of equation
$(5)$ where both $\,y\,$ and $\,z\,$ are formal power series in
$\,x\,$ with constant term $0$. More explicitly,

$$ y = a_1x + a_2 x^2 + a_3 x^3 + \cdots \;\; \text{ and }
\;\; z = b_1x + b_2 x^2 + b_3 x^3 + \cdots. \tag{12} $$

Use equation $(5)$ to get

$$ b_1 = a_1,\;\; b_2 = a_1^2 + a_2, \;\;
b_3 = a_1^3 + 2a_1a_2 + a_3, \;\; \dots \tag{13} $$

whose combinatorial interpretation is a generalization of the one
for equation $(10)$ with Dyck words. That is, $\,b_n\,$ represents
all Dyck words of length $\,2n\,$ while $\,a_n\,$ represents all
irreducible Dyck words of length $\,2n.\,$

Also use equation $(5)$ to get

$$ a_1 = b_1,\;\; a_2 = -b_1^2 + b_2, \;\;
a_3 = b_1^3 – 2b_1b_2 + b_3, \;\; \dots \tag{14} $$

whose combinatorial interpretation would be a generalization of
equation $(11)$ but is currently unknown to me. A combinatorial
proof would be nice to know. Does anyone know?

Best Answer

As the question observes, each Dyck word decomposes uniquely as a concatenation of nontrivial irreducible Dyck words; say that a concatenation of $\ell$ irreducible Dyck words has $\ell - 1$ returns. $xc(x)$ is the gf for irreducible Dyck words. $c(x) - 1$ is the gf for nontrivial Dyck words. $(c(x) - 1)^k$ is the gf for concatenations of $k$ Dyck words. Therefore, each a Dyck word $D$ with exactly $m$ returns is counted in $(c(x) - 1)^k$ precisely $\binom{m}{k - 1}$ times. Taking the signs into account, this means $D$ is counted $\sum_k (-1)^k \binom{m}{k - 1}$ times on the right side of (11); this is $0$ if $m > 0$ and is $1$ if $m = 0$, i.e., if $D$ is irreducible.

(None of this has anything to do with the fact that $c(x)$ is the GF for Dyck words specifically; the same combinatorics governs the behavior of (4) and (5) in general, where $y$ is the gf for irreducibles and $z$ is the gf for concatenations of irreducibles.)

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