Colourful class function


Background. We're in $\mathsf{ZFC}$, and I can use the principle of $\epsilon$-induction, but not (directly) the $\epsilon$-recursion.

Problem. Let $F : V \to V$, where $V$ is the class of all the sets, be a class function such that a set is blue when it has at least a red element, red otherwise.

  1. Assuming that such a function exists, prove that's unique.
  2. What is the color of $\omega^\omega$ (the set of the function from $\omega$ to $\omega)$,
    i.e. what's the value of $F(\omega^\omega)$?
  3. For which ordinals $\alpha$, $V_\alpha$ (in the Von Neumann universe) has as many blue elements as red ones?
  4. Prove that the function described above exists.

My attempt.

  1. I used $\epsilon$-induction, given $F$ and $F'$ functions with the propriety above, assuming that $\forall y \in x \ F(y) = F'(y)$, I get, that if $F(x) = R$ (red), then by definition there exists some $y \in x$ for which $F(y) = F'(y) = R$, but this, again by definition, implies $F'(x) = R$, similarly if $F(x) = B$. So by $\epsilon$-induction principle I've got uniqueness.
  2. Given $f \in \omega^\omega$, formally $f = \{(n,f(n))\}_{n \in \omega}$, and $(n,f(n))$, by Kuratowski's encoding, is $\{\{n\},\{n,f(n)\}\}$. Now (I will use colors from now on hoping to make as clear as possible the following mess), obviously $\color{red}{0}$, and, since $\forall n \geq 1 \ 0 \in n$, $\color{blue}{n}$, this implies $\color{red}{\{n\}}$, and so $\forall n \geq 1 \ \color{blue}{\{\{n\},\{n,f(n)\}\}}$. Now we've $\color{blue}{\{0\}}$ and $\color{blue}{\{0,f(0)\}}$, which implies $\color{red}{(0,f(0))}$. So $\{\color{red}{(0,f(0)),\color{blue}{(n,f(n))}}\}_{n \geq 1} \implies \color{blue}{f}$. Finally, by the arbitrariness of $f$, we get $\color{red}{\omega^\omega}$.
  3. My claim is that $\forall \alpha \geq \omega$ the statement is true. I've proved (tried to) it by transfinite induction as it follows:
  • $\boxed{\alpha = \omega}$ Let $R = \{x \in V_\omega : \ \text{$x$ is red}\}$ and $B = \{x \in V_\omega : \ \text{$x$ is blue}\}$, then the following is a bijection:
    $$R \to B : x \mapsto \{x\} \in V_\omega$$
    whose inverse is $\{x\} \mapsto \bigcup \mathcal P(\{x\}) = x$.
  • $\boxed{\alpha \implies \alpha + 1}$ Let $g^{(\alpha)} : R^{(\alpha)} \to B^{(\alpha)}$ the bijection of the subsets of red and blue elements in $V_\alpha$, which exists by inductive hypothesis, we can define:
    $$g^{(\alpha + 1)} : R^{(\alpha + 1)} \to B^{(\alpha + 1)} : x \mapsto \begin{cases} g^{(\alpha)}(x) &\text{if $x \in R^{(\alpha)}$} \\\\ \{x\}&\text{otherwise} \ \text{(I think I doesn't work since $\{x\}$ not necessarily belongs to $V_{\alpha + 1}$)} \end{cases}$$
    that is a bijection since union of bijection on disjoint domains.
  • $\boxed{\alpha = \lambda}$ since $V_\lambda = \bigcup_{\alpha < \lambda}V_\alpha$, by the inductive hypothesis $\forall \alpha < \lambda \ \exists g^{(\alpha)} : R^{(\alpha)} \to B^{(\alpha)}$ bijection, and $\forall \beta < \alpha \ g^{(\alpha)}|_\beta = g_\beta$ (this should be proved), so we can just take:
    $$g^{(\lambda)} = \bigcup_{\alpha < \lambda} g^{(\alpha)}: R^{(\lambda)} \to B^{(\lambda)}$$

(maybe in retrospect seems more correct and clean to just define by transfinite recursion a sequence of bijection constructed as above (this way we immediately have the extension propriety at limit case) and then prove by transfinite induction that works).

  1. This is the question where I think it's intended to define $F$ by $\epsilon$-recursion but I can't (because we never mentioned $\epsilon$-recursion in class). So the idea would be to define the following sequence of class functions by transfinite recursion:
    $$F_\alpha = \begin{cases}F_0 = \emptyset \\\\ F_{\alpha + 1} = F_{\alpha} \cup \{(x,H(F_\alpha[x]))\}_{x \in V_{\alpha + 1}\setminus V_\alpha} \\\\ F_\lambda = \bigcup_{\alpha < \lambda}F_\alpha \end{cases}$$
    where $H : V \to V$ is the class function defined by $H(x) = B$ if $\exists y \in x \ y = R$, $H(x) = R$ otherwise $H(x) = B$. So now we can just define $F(x) = F_{\text{rank}(x) + 1}(x)$ and prove by $\epsilon$-induction that $F(x) = B \iff \exists y \in x \ y = R$ and $F(x) = B$ otherwise.

Are my solutions correct? Especially for 3. and 4. I'm not totally convinced that everything (e.g. the definition of $F_{\alpha + 1}$) is formally correct.

Edit 1. To be more precise for question 4, I'd like to define the following class function:

$$F : V \to \{R,B\} : x \mapsto \begin{cases} B &\text{if $R \in \text{Im}(F|_x)$} \\\\ R &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

defining the class function:

$$H : V \to \{R,B\} : x \mapsto \begin{cases} B &\text{if $R \in x$} \\\\ R &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

$F$ can just be taken by $\epsilon$-recursion as $\forall x \ F(x) = H(\text{Im}(F|_x))$, and If I could assume the principle of $\epsilon$-recursion this would be it. Now, since I cannot use the $\epsilon$-recursion I define by transfinite recursion the following sequence of class functions:

$$F_{\alpha} := \begin{cases}F_0 = \emptyset \\\\ F_{\alpha + 1} = F_{\alpha} \cup \{(x,H(\underbrace{\text{Im}(F_\alpha|_x)}_{= F_\alpha[x]})) | x \in V_{\alpha + 1} \setminus V_\alpha\} \\\\ F_\lambda = \bigcup_{\gamma < \lambda} F_\gamma\end{cases}$$

and define $\forall x \ F(x) = F_{\text{rank}(x) + 1}(x)$. Since basically $F$ is "union" of compatible class functions, it is itself a well-defined class function, therefore the only thing I need to do is to prove, by $\epsilon$-induction, that $\forall x \ F(x) = H(\text{Im}(F|_x))$.
So assuming that $\forall y \in x \ F(y) = H(\text{Im}(F|_y))$ I want to prove $F(x) = H(\text{Im}(F|_x))$. By definition of $F$:

$$F(x) = F_{\text{rank}(x) + 1}(x) = H(\text{Im}(F_{\text{rank}(x)}|_x))$$

and $\text{Im}(F_{\text{rank}(x)}|_x) = F_{\text{rank}(x)}[x] = F[x] = \{F(y) | y \in x\} \overset{\text{inductive hp.}}{=} \{H(F[y]) | y \in x\} = F[x] = \text{Im}(F|_x)$. However I'm not pretty sure about these last passages.

Best Answer

Summary of the discussion in the comments of OP

Questions 1 and 2 should be ok. For question 3, if $\alpha < \omega$, i.e. $\alpha = n \in \omega$, one can prove by induction that $\forall n \in \omega\ R^{(n+1)} = \mathcal P(B^{(n)})$ and hence $B^{(n+1)} = V_{n+1} \setminus R^{(n+1)}$. So we have: $|R^{(n+1)}| = 2^{|B^{(n)}|}$ and $|B^{(n+1)}| = 2^{|V_n|} - 2^{|B^{(n)}|} = 2^{|B^{(n)}| + |R^{(n)}|} - 2^{|B^{(n)}|} = (2^{|R^{(n)}|}-1) \cdot 2^{|B^{(n)}|}$, again by induction it's possible to prove: $$\forall n > 4 \ |B^{(n)}| > |R^{(n)}|$$ we can check by hand that $|B^{(0)}| = |R^{(0)}|$, $|B^{(1)}| < |R^{(1)}|$, $|B^{(2)}| = |R^{(2)}|$ and $|B^{(3)}| = |R^{(3)}|$. Therefore if $\alpha < \omega$, the statement is true only for $\boxed{\alpha = 0,2,3}$. Assuming that $\alpha \geq \omega$ it's again possible to explicitly write the blue and red sets at every level of Von Neumann hierarchy as it follows:

$$R^{(\alpha)} := \begin{cases} R^{(0)} = \emptyset \\\\ R^{(\alpha + 1)} = \mathcal P(B^{(\alpha)}) \\\\ R^{(\lambda)} = \bigcup_{\gamma < \lambda} R^{(\gamma)} \end{cases} \qquad B^{(\alpha)} := \begin{cases} B^{(0)} = \emptyset \\\\ B^{(\alpha + 1)} = V_{\alpha + 1} \setminus R^{(\alpha + 1)} \\\\ B^{(\lambda)} = \bigcup_{\gamma < \lambda} B^{(\gamma)} \end{cases}$$

now it's possible to prove by transfinite induction that $\forall \alpha \geq \omega \ |R^{(\alpha)}| = |B^{(\alpha)}| = |V_\alpha|$ (check the discussion in the comments for more detalis), thus the statement it's also true for $\boxed{\alpha \geq \omega}$.
About question 4, referring to the definition of $R^{(\alpha)}$ and $B^{(\alpha)}$ given above, we can define the proper classes of red and blue sets:

$$\overline R := \bigcup_{\alpha \in \text{Ord}} R^{(\alpha)} \qquad \overline B := \bigcup_{\alpha \in \text{Ord}} B^{(\alpha)}$$

and define $F$ as it follows:

$$F : V \to \{B,R\} : \underbrace{x}_{\in V_\alpha}\mapsto \begin{cases} R &\text{if $x \in R^{(\alpha)}$} \\\\ B &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$

(thanks to @IzaakvanDongen for all the helpful suggestions).

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