Cokernels in $\mathbf{Ring}$ of the inclusion $\mathbb{Z} \hookrightarrow \mathbb{Q}$


Aluffi III.2.12 asks about cokernels of the inclusion $\iota : \mathbb{Z} \hookrightarrow \mathbb{Q}$.

I've managed to prove that for any ring $R$: $\alpha \iota = 0$ (where $\alpha : \mathbb{Q} \rightarrow R$) implies $R$ is a zero-ring (since $\alpha$ maps the multiplicative identity to $0$). The reasoning in this question agrees with mine, and the conclusion in the answer says that the cokernel would be the zero ring.

My line of thought is slightly different, though: the zero ring (that $R$ must be) is the final object in $\mathbf{Ring}$, so any ring $K$ would do as a cokernel as long as there is a surjective $\pi : \mathbb{Q} \rightarrow K$ (for instance, $\mathbb{Q}$ itself being a possible candidate for $K$). Is it correct? How does it work with objects satisfying universal properties being all isomoprhic?

Aluffi does not define the notion of cokernels for $\mathbf{Ring}$ explicitly. Instead, he informally refers to the one for $\mathbf{Ab}$, so I'm assuming the following definition: given a ring homomorphism $\varphi : R \rightarrow R'$ the $\text{coker} \varphi$ is a pair $(K, \pi)$ of a ring $K$ and a surjective homomorphism $\pi : R' \rightarrow K$ such that every $\alpha : R' \rightarrow S$ (for which $\alpha \varphi = 0$) factors uniquely through $\text{coker} \varphi$ and $\pi$.

Best Answer

There is something crucial missing in your definition, which is that you need to additionally require that $\pi\varphi=0$. When you add that requirement, it becomes immediate that a cokernel can only every be the zero ring, since the map $0$ is not even a ring homomorphism unless the codomain is the zero ring.

(Note that if you applied your definition to $\mathbf{Ab}$, it would be highly non-unique for the same reason that you observed for rings and would not at all coincide with the usual meaning of cokernels.)

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