Coins out of different boxes


I have 3 boxes with a total of 9 coins in them.
First box contains 3 gold coins,

second box 2 gold coins and one silver coin and

the last box one gold and two silver coins.

A box is chosen at random. A gold coin is found inside it.
What is the chance that the same box contains at least another gold coin.

For my solution I consider the following sets:

F: the first coin is gold

G: at least another coin is golden

$B_i, i=1,2,3: $ choose box i:

Now I have to calculate the following:

$$P(G|F)= \frac{P(G\cap F)}{P(F)} $$

For $P(F) $ I can use the law of total probability:

$P(F)=\sum_{i=1}^3 P(B_i) \cdot P(F|B_i)= \frac{2}{3} $

How can I get $P(G\cap F) $
Am I on the right track?

Best Answer

The event G can be reinterpreted as Box 3 not chosen Therefore, $P(GF) =P(G) P(F|G)$. Here, $P(G) = 2/3$ and $P(F|G) =5/6$. As you have already calculated the denominator to be $2/3$, therefore final answer is $5/6$

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