Cohomology with compact support of $T^2-\{p\}$


Let $X=T^2-\{p\}$ be the torus with one point removed. Since ${p}$ is closed in $T^2$, $X=T^{2}-\{p\}$ is open. In Hausdorff spaces compact subsets are closed, so $X$ is not compact.

I was wondering how to compute the de Rham cohomology with compact supports of $X$.

It's not the same as the standard de Rham cohomology. As $X$ is orientable and connected, $H^2_c(X)=\mathbb R$, but I am struggling with $H^0_c$ and $H^1_c$.

Best Answer

Using Poincaré duality $$H_c^k \simeq H_{2-k}$$ you can reduce the computation to this answer.

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