Closure of the set in dictionary order topology.


Consider the ordered square $I_0^2$, the set $[0,1]\times [0,1]$ with the dictionary order topology. Let the general element of $I_0^2$ be denoted by $x\times y$, where $x, y\in [0,1]$. Then the closure of the subset $$S = \big\{x\times \frac{3}{4}: 0<a<x<b<1\big\}$$ in $I_0^2$ is

  1. $S\cup \big((a, b]\times\{0\}\big) \cup \big([a, b)\times \{1\}\big)$

  2. $S\cup \big((a, b]\times\{0\}\big) \cup \big((a, b]\times \{1\}\big)$

  3. $S\cup \big((a, b)\times\{0\}\big) \cup \big((a, b)\times \{1\}\big)$

  4. $S\cup \big((a, b]\times\{0\}\big)$

please explain it properly. I have no idea how to start with?

Best Answer

Let $(p,0)$ be in $[0,1]^2$ in this order topology, where $0 < p$. A basic open neighbourhood of $(p,0)$ is an open interval with endpoints in $[0,1]^2$, say $\langle (l_1,l_2), (r_1,r_2)\rangle$. It follows by the definition of the lexicographic order that $l_1 < p$. A moment's thought reveals that we can in fact only need to consider basic open sets of the form $\langle (l_1,1), (p,r_2)\rangle$ for $(p,0)$ (with $0< l_1 < p, r_2 >0$), by shrinking such an open interval.

For a point $(q,1), q < 1$ we likewise only need to consider open basic sets of the form $\langle (q,l_1), (r_1,0)\rangle$ (with $l_1 > 0, q < r_1 < 1$).

It's then easy to see that a point $(p,0) \in \overline{S}$ iff $p \in (a,b]$ and $(q,1) \in \overline{S}$ iff $q \in [a,b)$.