Closed sets in infinite product topological spaces


For each $I\in\mathbb{N}$ let $C_i$ be a closed subset of a topological space $(X_i\tau_i)$. Prove that $\prod_\limits{i=1}^{\infty}C_i$ is a closed subset of $\prod_\limits{i=1}^{\infty}(X_i,\tau_i)$.

$\prod_\limits{i=1}^{\infty}(X_i,\tau_i)\setminus\prod_\limits{i=1}^{\infty}C_i=\bigcup_\limits{i=1}^{\infty}\prod_\limits{i=1}^{\infty} (X_i\setminus C_i)$ since the union of open sets is open.


Is this reasoning acceptable for infinite product topological spaces?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Your formula makes no sense because of the two conflicting $i$ indices.

We can correct it as follows (for arbitrary index set):

$$\prod_{i \in I} X_i \setminus \prod_{i \in I} C_i = \bigcup_{j\in I} \prod_{i \in I} O(i,j)$$ where $O(i,j) = X_i$ for $i \neq j$ and $O(i,j) = X_j \setminus C_j$ for $i=j$. We could write that product of $O(i,j)$ for fixed $j$ as $\pi_j^{-1}[X_j \setminus C_j]$ as well.

This holds as $f \notin \prod_{i \in I} C_i$ iff there exists some $j$ such that $f(j) \notin C_j$.

At any rate, the complement of $\prod_i C_i$ is writeable as a union of products of (sub)basic open sets and hence open.

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