Classification of quadratic rational Bézier curves

bezier-curveconic sectionsgeometrylinear algebra

My teacher months ago gave me a few hints on a method that can classify quadratic rational Bézier curves as different conic sections (arcs of those).

  1. As I recall, it starts with such a curve given three points.
  2. Then via a reparametrization it makes the first and last coefficients the same (I remember it being a mobius transformation), in this way one can simplify them leaving only the middle one $\beta$.
  3. After that, it uses some affine geometry, defines an affine coordinate system using the three points.
  4. In the end finds out the standard cartesian form of a conic and studies the coefficients as functions of the previous middle coefficient $\beta$.

Can someone help me reconstruct the whole method? Thanks

PS: I built myself a similar method. I start by computing the parametric coordinates of a Bézier curve of second degree(not a rational one). Then I regroup the powers of the parameter and I apply an "implicitization", but this process is neither elegant or quick and not the one the teacher gave me.

Best Answer

What your teacher was referring to is the fact that:

$$x=\dfrac{a t^2+bt+c}{gt^2+ht+k}, y=\dfrac{d t^2+et+f}{gt^2+ht+k}, \ \ \ 0 \le t \le 1 \tag{1}$$

(with real coefficients $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k$)

is in general a conic curve under the form of a rational quadratic Bezier curve.

This property comes from the vast domain of projective geometry.

The classification is easy: either the denominator

  • can be zero twice (which happens when its discriminant $\Delta=h^2-4gk > 0$) it means that there are two points at infinity: you have a hyperbola (a hyperbola has 4 points at infinity, but in projective geometry opposite points are considered as identical).

  • can be zero once ($\Delta=0$): parabola.

  • can never be zero ($\Delta<0$): ellipse.

In order to retrieve the driving points $A,B,C$, just decompose the numerators onto the basis $(1-t)^2, 2t(1-t), t^2$, which means finding $x_A, x_B,...$ such that:

$$\begin{cases}a t^2+bt+c&=&(1-t)^2 x_A + 2t(1-t)x_B+t^2x_C\\d t^2+et+f&=&(1-t)^2 y_A + 2t(1-t)y_B+t^2y_C\end{cases}$$

Remark: Any bijective change of parametrization $T=f(t)$ in (1) such that

$$f(0)=0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ f(1)=1\tag{2}$$

is possible. Taking a "Möbius" transformation


complying with (2) preserves the form of equations (1) and allows, for an adequate choice of parameter $r$, to obtain (slightly) simpler expressions.

Recall: Equations (1) can be written under the form:

$$\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} X\\ Y\\ Z\end{bmatrix}}_{C'}=\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & k \end{bmatrix}}_H \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} t^2\\ t\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}}_C \tag{2}$$

followed by :

$$x=X/Z \ \ \text{and} \ \ y=Y/Z \tag{3}$$

Equation (2) expresses that one takes the image of "standard" parabola with parametric description given by vector $C$ (with so-called "homogeneous coordinates" : please note the third coordinate equal to $1$) to which an "homography matrix" $H$ is applied. Equations (3) are the classical homogenizing ratios by the third coordinate. See Fig. below.

enter image description here

Knowing that the image by a homography (either under the form (1) or (2)+(3)) of a conic curve is a conic curve.

See as well here.