Clarification on Jech’s Proof of Fodor’s Lemma


My question concerns Jech's Proof (Set Theory, 3rd Edition) of Fodor's Lemma (that given a regressive function $f$ on a stationary subset $S$ of $\kappa$, there is a stationary subset $T$ of $S$ with the property that $f$ is constant on $T$):

Let us assume that for each $\gamma < \kappa$ the set $\{\alpha \in S: f(\alpha) = \gamma\}$ is nonstationary, and choose a club set $C_\gamma$ such that $f(\alpha) \neq \gamma$ for each $\alpha \in S \cap C_\gamma$. Let $C = \Delta_{\gamma < \kappa} C_\gamma$. The set $S \cap C$ is stationary and if $\alpha \in S \cap C$, we have $f(\alpha) \neq \gamma$ for every $\gamma < \alpha$; in other words, $f(\alpha) \geq \alpha$, which contradicts the fact that $f$ is regressive.

My question is, why does following statement hold:

The set $S \cap C$ is stationary.

(Clearly(?) this is not needed in the proof, since all we require for a contradiction is that $S \cap C \neq \emptyset$, which holds because $S$ is stationary and $C$ is a club set (Lemma 8.4. in Jech).)

Best Answer

This is because the intersection of a stationary set and a club is stationary.

Suppose $S$ is stationary and $C$ is a club. Let $C′$ be any club. Then $C\cap C′$ is a club. Since $S$ is stationary, $S\cap(C\cap C′)$ is nonempty. Hence $(S\cap C)\cap C′$ is nonempty. Since $C′$ is an arbitrary club, it follows that $S\cap C$ is stationary.

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