Circular Reasoning for Epsilon-Delta Proof


$$\lim_\limits{x \to 4} 2x-5=3$$
In order to prove this limit, the epsilon-delta definition will be used.

$$|f(x)-L|<\varepsilon$$ $$|x-a|<\delta$$
In the proof, the above $2$ inequalities will be used to find how $\delta$ is related to $\varepsilon$ (e.g. $\delta=\epsilon/2$).
Then, this relationship between $\delta$ and $\varepsilon$ will be used show that for any $\varepsilon > 0$,
will result in
Which seems weird to me, because it doesn't seem to be a good proof as there seems to be circular reasoning, but I am probably missing something here.

Am I missing out any details which prevents circular reasoning in this proof?

Best Answer

There is a thought process here which might feel circular, but the proof itself is not. Keep in mind that I'm allowed to use however silly a thought process I want - the only thing that matters is whether the actual proof produced at the end of the day is valid. If I got my inspiration for what $\delta$ should be by rolling dice, well, that might not be something I should rely on in the future but that doesn't mean that I won't be able to turn that guess into a valid proof.

The general thought process in an $\epsilon$/$\delta$ argument is to start with the conclusion we want and try to "backsolve" for what choice of $\delta$ (in terms of $\epsilon$) would work. This does give a circular taste to the whole experience of discovering and subsequently writing the proof, since we seem to start at the end, go to the beginning, and then go back to the end. But the proof itself consists only of the second half of that development.

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