Circle, unit interval and unit square pairwise not homeomorphic


In my Topology exercise class I have the task to show that $S^1$, $[0,1]$ and $[0,1] \times [0,1]$ are pairwise not homeomorphic, using the fact that $S^1$ fits into the following pushout square: $\require{AMScd}$
\begin{CD} \{0,1\} @>\operatorname{id}>> [0,1] \\
@VVV @VVV \\
\{\star\} @>>> S^1

I think that I understand this fact (as the universal property indeed holds for $S^1$ by commutativity requirements).
But I am not really sure how to proceed now. The exercise feels as if I should assume two of the spaces to be homeomorphic and to derive a contradiction. But is it allowed to replace, say, $S^1$ by $[0,1]$ in the diagram to get a contradiction? Does this even make sense if we do not have an explicit homeomorphism?
Any hint is really appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

If $X$ is connected and $p \in X$ is such that $X\setminus \{p\}$ is disconnected, then $p$ is called a cut-point of $X$. Likewise, if $A \subseteq X$ is such that $X\setminus A$ is disconnected, $A$ is a cut-set of $X$. Easy fact: if $h: X \to Y$ is a homomorphism $A$ is a cut-set of $X$ iff $h[A]$ is a cut-set of $Y$.

So if $X \simeq Y$ they have the same numbers of cut-sets and (non-)cut-points. This is a rough but general tool to reason about certain connected spaces being homeomorphic or not:

  • $[0,1]$ has $2$ non-cutpoints (the endpoints), all other points are cut-points.
  • $\Bbb S^1$ has no cut-points but any subset of size $2$ is a cut-set.
  • $[0,1]^2$ has no cut-points and no subset of size $2$ is a cut-set.

So for your three spaces such simple considerations suffice.

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