Circle through focii of ellipse

circlesconic sectionscoordinate systems

A circle passes through the focii of an ellipse.
Circle intersects ellipse at points A and B. Tangents and normals are drawn to the ellipse at A & B such that tangents intersect at P and normals intersect at Q. Then what is PQ is equal to ?

Is this a property that when a circle passes through focii of ellipse, the tangents meet at P and normals meet at Q and PQ is one of the diameters of the circle?

Best Answer

Consider the ellipse with foci $F_1$ and $F_2$ as shown below, with a circle through $F_1$ and $F_2$ intersecting the ellipse at $A$. Furthermore we have the tangent to the ellipse at $A$, intersecting the circle at $S$, and the perpendicular to the tangent at $A$, intersecting the circle at $R$.

enter image description here

Knowing that $\angle F_1AR = \angle \angle F_2AR,$ what can you conclude about circular arcs $F_1R$ and $F_2R$?

Knowing that $\angle RAS$ is a right angle, what can you conclude about the line segment $RS$?

It can be shown that $R$ and $S$ are the points where the minor axis of the ellipse intersects the circle. Therefore if we repeat this construction at another intersection point of the ellipse and circle, for example $B$ in this figure, the tangent and perpendicular lines will again intersect the circle at two points on the minor axis of the ellipse, which therefore are the same points $R$ and $S,$ which therefore are the two points $P$ and $Q.$

In this case the construction works equally well at any of the four intersection points between the circle and ellipse. If we alter the shape or positions of the ellipse and/or circle so that there are only two intersections, the construction is still valid for those two points.