Circle problem with given center and radius


The center of a circle is $(4, 0)$ and the radius $4$. Inside the circle along the radius lies a point $P(x, y)$, through this point we draw a chord such that it's perpendicular towards the radius. What curve does the points $P(x, y)$ form for which the distance $|PQ|$ is equal to the distance between point $P$ and $(2, 0)$?

I tried to translate the problem from my native language to English so apologies for the bad translation. Hopefully the picture helps.

enter image description here

So the equation for the circle is $(x-4)^2+(y-0)^2=4^2$ and the length of $P$ and $(2, 0)$ turned out to be $\sqrt{x^2-4x+4+y^2}$.

Also the length between $P$ and $Q$ is $|PQ| = \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2 -y_1)^2}$, but I don't really see how any of these help here at all. What should i do here?

Best Answer


You’ve got the first equation correct. Now notice that if you connect the center of the circle and $Q$, you get a right triangle. Now compute the distance $OP$ ($O$ is the center), and use Pythagoras to calculate $PQ$. Then equate $PQ$ to the formula you obtained earlier and you’ll get the locus of $P$.

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