Circle measurement of Archimedes


Let $f_n$ or $F_n$ be areas of the regular $n-$ polygon described to the unit circle or circumscribed. Show

$f_{2n}=\sqrt{f_nF_n}$ and $F_{2n}=\frac{2f_{2n}F_{n}}{f_{2n}+F_n}$

In the solutions there is only the fact that this follows from elementary geometric considerations.

I tried to explain the result by elementary geometry, but I did not succeed.

I have already searched the net for approaches. For example you can construct a $2n$ corner out of a $n-$ corner which is in a circle by drawing a point between two corners of a side.

To clarify what I mean I have added a sketch using the example of a 4 corner.

Why is the geometric mean of the area content of the outer and inner 4 corners now the area content of the inner $8$ corner?

I have no approach to the formula for the outer $2n$ corner.

How can I draw the $2n$ corner from the outer $n$ and why is the harmonic mean of the area of the inner $2n$ corner and the area of the inner $n$ corner?

I hope someone can help me.


Best Answer

Let $l_n$ and $L_n$ be the lengths of the sides of the regular $n$-polygon inscribed in, or circumscribed to, the unit circle. The inscribed polygon with $n$ sides is formed by $n$ equal triangles, with base $l_n$ and altitude $\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}$. We have then: $$ f_n={n\over2}l_n\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4},\quad F_n={n\over2}L_n. $$ On the other hand $L_n:l_n=1:\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}$, that is: $$ L_n={l_n\over\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}},\quad\text{and}\quad F_n={n\over2}{l_n\over\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}}. $$ The area of the inscribed polygon with $2n$ sides is obtained by adding to $f_n$ the area of $2n$ small triangles: $$ f_{2n}=f_n+2n\cdot{1\over2}{l_n\over2}\big(1-\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\big)= {n\over2}l_n=\sqrt{f_n\cdot F_n}. $$ For $F_{2n}$ one can do a similar reasoning: $$ l_{2n}^2=l_n^2/4+\big(1-\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\big)^2=2\big(1-\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\big), $$

$$ \tag{*} F_{2n}={L_{2n}^2\over l_{2n}^2}f_{2n}={1\over1-l_{2n}^2/4}f_{2n}= {2\over1+\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}}\cdot{n\over2}l_n $$ and finally: $$ {1\over f_{2n}}+{1\over F_{n}}={2\over nl_n}\big(1+\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\big) ={2\over F_{2n}}. $$ EDIT.

To obtain the last result in $(*)$, we must substitute $l_{2n}^2=2\big(1-\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\big)$ and $f_{2n}={n\over2}l_n$ into $F_{2n}=(1-l_{2n}^2/4)^{-1}f_{2n}$: $$ F_{2n}=\left(1-{l_{2n}^2\over4}\right)^{-1}f_{2n}= \left(1-{2\big(1-\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\big)\over4}\right)^{-1}{n\over2}l_n= \left({1\over2}+{1\over2}\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\right)^{-1}{n\over2}l_n= \left({1+\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}\over2}\right)^{-1}{n\over2}l_n= {2\over 1+\sqrt{1-l_n^2/4}}\cdot{n\over2}l_n. $$