Circle drawn on focal chord of a parabola

analytic geometrycirclesconic sections

Is it possible for a circle with diameter as any focal chord of a parabola to cut the parabola at 4 points (2 being the extremities of the focal chord)?

We were asked to find the product of the parameters(t) of the point cut by the circle on the parabola (other than the extremities of the focal chord).Doing some algebra we obtain this product as 3,but I feel that the parameters would be imaginary since I don't think that such a circle can exist.Am I correct?

Best Answer

If $A(at^2,2at)$ is one of the extremities of the focal chord, we know that the other end will be $B\left(\dfrac{a}{t^2}, -\dfrac{2a}{t}\right)$

Let the circle with $AB$ as diameter intersect the parabola at $C(t')$. Since $\angle ACB$ is a right angle, we have $\dfrac{2}{t+t'} \times \dfrac{2}{t'-\dfrac{1}{t}}=-1$

or $t'^2+ \left(t-\dfrac{1}{t} \right)t'+3 =0$

We see that this will have two real roots when $\left(t-\dfrac{1}{t} \right)^2 > 12$