Chromatic number of a graph on a chess board

chessboardcoloringgraph theory

For a chess piece Q, the Q-graph is the graph whose vertices are the squares of the
chess board and the two squares are adjacent if Q can move from one of them to the other
in one move. Find the chromatic number of the Q-graph when Q is (a) the king, (b) a rook,
(c) a bishop, (d) a knight.

So my first thought would be to think of each distinct move a piece could make if it was in the center of the board since this would be the maximal degree of all vertices on the graph and therefore the most neighbors a graph could have showing how many distinct colors are needed?

Best Answer

Within a $2\times 2$ square, the king can move from any directly to eevery other field, hence we need at least four colours. If we assign colour $(x\bmod 2, y\bmod 2)$ to field $(x,y)$, ew see that $4$ colours also suffice.

For the rook, all fields in one column are mutually adajacent and hence must have different colours, thus requiring at least $8$ colours. But eight colours also suffice if you assign $x+y\bmod 8$ to $(x,y)$.

Similarly, the bishop has adjacent fields along a diagonal, thus also requiring eight colours. But eight colours also suffice by assigning colour $x$ to $(x,y)$.

For the knight, the original checssboard colouring witnesses that the chromatic numbre is 42$.

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