Chromatic index of cartesian product of a graph with a class one graph

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgraph theory

How is it that the chromatic index of any graph $G$ composed with a cartesian product with a class one graph $H$, that is a graph with chromatic index equal to its maximum degree, always equal to its maximum degree, that is how is $\chi'(G\square H)=\Delta(G\square H)$ where $\Delta$ be the maximum degree?

I know that $\chi'(G\square K_2)=\Delta(G\square K_2)$, as the one missing color of any instance of $G$ in $G\square K_2$ in any $\Delta+1$ coloring of $G$ can be given to the instance of $K_2$ joining the other instance, but how is the above result true? Any hints? Thanks beforehand.

Best Answer

I think your generalization from the $G \square K_2$ case is the right idea: Whenever a vertex $u \in G$ is missing a color at one of its edges (say the color $i$), it's missing the same color in the other copy of $G$ (in the $G \square K_2$ case) and hence that edge formed by the Cartesian product with $K_2$ may be colored by $i$ without creating a conflict. A similar technique works in the more general case. First, let's see what we're aiming for for $\chi'(G \square H)$:

Note that for a vertex $(u, v) \in G \square H$, we have $deg_{G \square H}(u, v) = deg_{G}(u) + deg_{H}(v)$. Hence by picking $u \in G, v \in H$ each of maximum degree, we see that $\Delta(G \square H) = \Delta(G) + \Delta(H)$. Our job is therefore to construct a proper $(\Delta(G) + \Delta(H))$-edge-coloring of $G \square H$.

For each copy of $G$ in $G \square H$, use an identical $\Delta(G) + 1$-coloring (which exists by Vizing's theorem (as you mentioned in the proof of $\chi'(G\square K_2)=\Delta(G\square K_2)$)). With $\Delta(G) + 1$ colors allowed, some color $i$ is missing from all edges incident to all copies of the vertex $u \in V(G)$ (for any $u$). To color the copy of $H$ whose first coordinates are all $u$, we need only $\Delta(H)$ colors (since $H$ is class 1); we choose to use $i$ along with $\Delta(H) - 1$ additional colors. Doing this for each $u \in G$ yields an edge-coloring of $G \square H$ in $(\Delta(G) + 1) + (\Delta(H) - 1) = \Delta(G) + \Delta(H)$ colors, as needed; this completes the proof.

Remark: I see that you're an experienced user, so I skimped on the details a bit. Let me know if anything needs more filling in.

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