Christoffel symbol in polar coordinates


I'm working through this problem in Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation. The book shows the full solution. I'm trying to understand it all.

"For a 2-dimensional flat, Euclidean space described by polar coordinates $r$, $\theta$, assume that geodesics are the usual straight lines. Find the connection coefficients $\Gamma^\alpha _{\beta \gamma}$ using your knowledge of these geodesics, and the geodesic equation"

\frac{d^2x^\mu}{ds^2} + \frac{dx^\alpha}{ds}\frac{dx^\beta}{ds}\Gamma^\mu _{\alpha \beta} = 0

Using the equation of a line in polar coordinates, this can be parameterized in terms of $\theta$.

R_{0} = r\cos(\theta – a)

\frac{d^2x^\mu}{d\theta^2} – 2\ tan(\theta – a)\ \frac{dx^\mu}{d\theta} + \frac{dx^\alpha}{d\theta}\frac{dx^\beta}{d\theta}\Gamma^\mu _{\alpha \beta} = 0

Then the text states to "consider the point $\theta = a$" where we get:

\Gamma^\theta _{\theta \theta} = 0

\Gamma^r_{\theta \theta} = -r

But then the text states "Since $a$ and $R_0$ are arbitrary (this) is true in general."

This is what I don't understand. The point $\theta$ = $a$ refers to a very specific point on the line: the point closest to the origin. So we have found that $\Gamma^\theta _{\theta \theta} = 0$ and $\Gamma^r_{\theta \theta} = -r$ at the point closest to the origin. How does that generalize to all other points? For any point on a line one could to a change of coordinates so that that point was closest to the origin, but then the derived Christoffel symbol would be be for a different coordinate system.

Best Answer

I have no idea what they're talking about. You compute the Christoffel symbols from the parametrization. Indeed, $\Gamma^\theta_{\theta\theta}=0$. This has nothing to do with any curve in the surface.

EDIT: Now that I correctly conjectured what must have been in the text, there's no problem with what is written. You are told to assume that every line in the plane is a geodesic. Given any value $(r_0,\theta_0)$, choose $R_0 = r_0$ and $a=\theta_0$, and you've deduced what the author claims. But this tells you the values of the Christoffel symbols at an arbitrary point of the plane.

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