Christmas Tree Problem: String around Cone


This problem came up when I was trying to figure out how long of a string of lights I need for my Christmas tree. It was easy to estimate and obviously this isn't for use in the real world, but I found it a lot harder than I thought it would be at first.

A cone has a base radius $3$ ft and height of $8$ ft. A line ("string") is wrapped around the cone so that if you go straight up from any point on the string along the surface of the cone, the vertical distance (not distance along the cone's surface) to the next intersection of the string is $1$ ft.

The string is wrapped counterclockwise, looking from the top. As a more stringent restriction, a section of the string that encompasses some angle $\theta$ around the surface of the cone, the change in height from the bottom point to the top point is given by:
$$h = \frac{\theta}{2\pi}$$

What is the length of the string?

My first try at this problem assumed that the angle of the string relative to the horizontal would always be a constant. I quickly realized the string would have to get steeper as it goes up the cone ("tree"), in order to keep up with the shrinking circumferennce. I pretty much banged my head into a wall from there because I have no clue how to factor that in.

Best Answer

To go from the bottom of the tree to the top $h$ increases from $0$ to $8$ feet, so $\theta$ increases from $0$ to $16\pi$. We can define $r(\theta)$ as the radius at a given $\theta$. It decreases linearly from $3$ to $0$, so $r(\theta)=3-\frac 3{16\pi}\theta$. The derivative of arc length with respect to $\theta$ can be found by Pythagoras. In $\Delta \theta$ we go up $\frac {\Delta \theta}{2 \pi}$ and we go around $r \Delta \theta=\left(3-\frac 3{16\pi}\theta\right)\Delta \theta$ Now we can integrate $$s=\int_0^{16\pi}\sqrt{\frac 1{4\pi^2}+\left(3-\frac 3{16\pi}\theta\right)^2}d\theta$$ Alpha tells me the integral is about $76.2746$. I hit the time limit before it would give me the symbolic answer. This seems reasonable as $8$ turns at the average radius of $1.5$ feet would give $75.4$ feet and the rise will add a bit.