Chinese Remainder Theorem, what to do when no inverse

chinese remainder theoremnumber theory

I have the three equations:

enter image description here

Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem I have found that 10.15.84 are coprime, however they are not pairwise co-prime.

I have worked out the following:

enter image description here

However, none of these values have multiplicative inverses. Where do I go from here?

Best Answer

The Chinese remainder theorem works for pairwise co-prime moduli,

and, as you noted, yours are not pairwise co-prime. Now

$x\equiv3\bmod10\iff x\equiv1\bmod2$ and $x\equiv3\bmod5$,

$x\equiv8\bmod15\iff x\equiv2\bmod3$ and $x\equiv3\bmod5$, and

$x\equiv5\bmod84\iff x\equiv2\bmod3, x\equiv1\bmod4$ and $x\equiv5\bmod7$.

Putting this all together, your system is satisfied when

$x\equiv3\bmod5, x\equiv2\bmod3, x\equiv5\bmod7, $ and $x\equiv1\bmod4$,

which you solved (per comments) using CRT to get $x\equiv173\bmod420$.