Check whether the three vectors form a triangle


Check whether the three vectors $2\hat i + 2 \hat j + 3 \hat k, -3 \hat i + 3 \hat j + 2\hat k , 3\hat i + 4\hat k$ form a triangle or not.


$\vec{AB} = – 5\hat i + \hat j – \hat k$
And $\vec{AC} = \hat i + \hat k -2\hat j$

Therfore they form a triangle as AB and AC are not co-linear.

But textbook says,

For a triangle $\vec a + \vec b + \vec c = 0$

But for the given three vectors the sum is not zero so they do not
form a triangle.

I don't understand the error in my attempt and the way the textbook finds the right answer. Please explain the concepts involved.

Why is $\vec a + \vec b + \vec c = 0?$

Best Answer

There is a confusion between a triangle based on points and a triangle given by side vectors.

Your interpretation of the given data is that those are three points $A, B,C$.

The solution seems to indicate that the given data represents three vectors. You’re asked if those three vectors can be the sides of a triangle.