Check if a proposition is a necessary and/or sufficient condition for another proposition – Propositional Logic


P: (x⇒y)⇒z

Use truth tables to determine whether the following proposition is a
necessary and/or sufficient condition for p to be true:


I did the truth table and I know that antecedent is sufficient and consequent is necessary, but I don't know where to go from there. Should I take P as antecedent and the other proposition as consequent?

x    y    z    x⇒y   (x⇒y)⇒z    y⇒z    x⇒(y⇒z)
0    0    0     1         0        1         1
0    0    1     1         1        1         1
0    1    0     1         0        0         1
0    1    1     1         1        1         1
1    0    0     0         1        1         1
1    0    1     0         1        1         1
1    1    0     1         0        0         0
1    1    1     1         1        1         1

Best Answer

We say that B is a necessary condition for A to mean: $A \rightarrow B$.

And we say also that A is a sufficient condition for B to mean: $A \rightarrow B$.

Let $P := (x \to y) \to z$ and $Q := x \to (y \to z)$ and we have to check if $Q$ is a necessary/sufficient condition for $P$.

Thus Q is a sufficient condition for P iff $Q \to P$ is true and Q is a necessary condition for P iff $P \to Q$ is true.