Check continuity of a function


I know that a function is continuous at a point if the limit from left and right side exists and are equal and for a function to be continuous, the function should be continuous at all points. My question is that if I want to check continuity of a function, I cannot practically check continuity at each and every point in $\mathbb{R}$. So, how to do it?

Best Answer

Well, that is not the rigurous definition of continuity but it works for most UNDERGRADUATE functions.

Some tricks to check continuity:

  • You may know that elementary fucntions ($\sin$, $\cos$, $\exp$, polynomials,...) are continuous everywhere.
  • $\log(\cdot)$ is continuous on its domain (whenever what is inside is strictly positive).
  • $\sqrt{\cdot}$ is continuous on its domain (wheneever what is inside is positive (not stricly).
  • Moreover, any linear combination of continuous functions is also continuous (say, the addition of subtraction, and multiplication by a number). Also multiplication of continuous functions is also continuous.
  • For quotient of contuinuous functions, everything works okay EXECEPT for those points that cancel the denominator.

These are just a few tricks; they won’t prove continuity in every case, but for undegraduate students they may be enough.