Characteristic equation and closed form on Fibonacci equation


Recently I am working on recurrence relation and I have gathered the following.

  1. Fibonacci sequence
  2. Solving linear homogeneous recurrence relation by characteristics equation

So I attempted to work on the closed form of Fibonacci sequence by myself. However, it seems to contradict to another source attached below indicating the closed form of Fibonacci sequence. May I know what's wrong?

Solution technique:

  1. Establish the characteristics equation and its roots.
  2. Assume $f_n=c_1r_1^n+c_2r_2^n$, where $r_1$ and $r_2$ are distinct roots in this case.
  3. Find $c_1,\;c_2$
    $$\left[\begin{array}{cc|c}1&1&1\\\frac{1+\sqrt5}{2}&\frac{1-\sqrt5}{2}&2\end{array}\right]=\cdots=\left[\begin{array}{cc|c}1&0&\frac{5+3\sqrt5}{10}\\0&1&\frac{5-3\sqrt5}{10}\end{array}\right] $$
    $c_1\neq\frac{1}{\sqrt5},\;c_2\neq-\frac{1}{\sqrt5}$ as indicated in the below closed form, what's wrong in my derivation?

The closed form I would like to replicate using characteristic equation

Best Answer

The usual convention is $f_0=0, f_1=f_2=1$. Using your equations $$c_1+c_2=0\\c_1r_1+c_2r_2=1\\ c_1\frac{1+\sqrt 5}2+c_2\frac{1-\sqrt 5}2=1\\ \frac {\sqrt 5}2(c_1-c_2)=1\\ c_1=\frac 1{\sqrt 5}\\c_2=-\frac 1{\sqrt 5}$$

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