Characteristic classes, Möbius strip, and the cylinder


I have been thinking how to distinguish the (open) Möbius strip from a(n open) cylinder.

What does not work

  • Standard invariants from general topology, as connectedness or compactness,
  • Invariants that depend on the mere homotopy type of the space, as homotopy groups and (co)homology.

What does work

The only invariant I can think of is orientability. My question is therefore:

Is there any other invariant that can be used to show that the Möbius strip and a cylinder are not homeomorphic?

If we regard both spaces as line bundles over the circle, we can show with the Stiefel–Whitney classes that they are non-isomorphic vector bundles, but this seems to be a weaker statement that being non-homeomorphic. (And moreover Stiefel–Whitney can be treated as a reformulation of the orientability argument).

Best Answer

You can use the fact that if you cut the open Möbius strip around center the resulting space is connected.

Any homeomorphism from the Möbius strip to a cylinder will induce an isomorphism on fundamental groups, so if a homeomorphism existed it must send the center of the Möbius strip to a curve homotopic to a circle going around the cylinder, and removing anything homotopic to such a curve from the cylinder disconnects it.