Change of Variables Formula for Double Integral


In working on an example of the Change of Variables Formula, I seem to have hit a wall in understanding how to set up an integral. For the following, I have found the correct Jacobian, but am unsure of where I am going wrong on the integration itself.

Let $I = \int\int_D(x^2-y^2)dxdy$

Where $D = {[(x,y):3\leq xy \leq 4, 0 \leq x-y \leq 4, x\geq0, y\geq0]}$

Show that the mapping $u = xy, v = x-y$ maps $D$ to the rectangle $R = [3, 4]$x$[0,4]$

I have found that $\frac {∂(x,y)}{∂(uv)}$ is $\frac1{-x-y}$.

It is when I try to show that $I$ is equal to the integral of $f(u,v) =v$ over $R$ that I get lost. So far, I have attempted to prove this through a number of trials, however, I cannot seem to quite get the right integral. The following is one of my attempts at it.


Why is it that this integral is incorrect?

Best Answer

If you perform the change $u = x-y, v = xy$ , the jacobian is $∂x\,∂y=\frac{1}{x+y}\,∂u\,∂v$.Your new variables $0<u<4\,\,,\,\,3<v<4$ and your integral

$$I = \int\int_D(x^2-y^2)dxdy=\int_0^4u\,du\int_3^4 dv =8$$

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