Change of basis with linear transformation

change-of-basislinear algebralinear-transformations

I've read this

article about changing of basis and everything looks pretty straightforward for me.
To change a basis we have to write input basis as a combination of output basis vectors.
In Gilbert Strang's book There is a chapter about change of basis which lists an example of basis change together with linear transformation which was an identity transformation. It says that we have first apply linear transformation to input basis, then columns of needed matrix are the coefficients of combination of output basis vectors of T(input). It's okay for me as well.
But the things I do not understand are:

  1. If I already have a matrix of linear transformation A for example in standard basis and I want to make it to change a basis from input basis $B_1$ to output basis $B_2$ what should I do?
  2. If I have the same matrix as above but it already changes a basis from $B_1$ to $B_2$ how can I make this matrix to change basis from $B_3$ to $B_4$?

Best Answer

Okay, I don't know to what extent this might be helpful, but these are some notes I put together for my students when I was TA-ing linear algebra last year to help aid how you're supposed to think about this:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

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