(CH) implies $\omega_2 = \omega_2^\omega$: reference


Just by chance I found out that (CH) implies $\omega_2 = \omega_2^\omega$, which I found quite surprising, since this an almost trivial conclusion of
$2^{\omega_1} = \omega_2$ rather than of $2^{\omega} = \omega_1$.
So, I'm wondering, if this implication is known, and if yes, I would appreciate to get a reference for this.
BTW: I'm always working in (ZFC). I think in particular the above mentioned proof uses a lot of choice.

Best Answer

Since $\omega_2$ is regular, any function from $\omega$ to $\omega_2$ is bounded. Thus $\omega_2^\omega=\bigcup_{\alpha<\omega_2}\alpha^\omega$. The cardinality of this is just $\omega_2\cdot\sup_{\alpha<\omega_2}|\alpha^{\omega}|$. Since $|\alpha^{\omega}|\le|\omega_1^{\omega}|=\omega_1$ under $\mathsf{CH}$ for $\alpha<\omega_2$, $\omega_2^\omega=\omega_2\cdot\omega_1=\omega_2$.

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