Central Limit Theorem to approx Binomial Distribution, cannot see how they got this answer

binomial distributioncentral limit theoremnormal distributionprobability

I'm doing question b, using the Central Limit Theorem to approximate a Binomial Distribution to calculate it's sample mean:

There are 20 children in a class. Each flips a biased coin 15 times. The probability of getting a head is 0.25.

a Write down the expected number of heads that each child would get.

b Find an estimate of the probability that the mean number of heads is at most 4.

So calculate $P(X \leq 4)$ given $N_s = 20$, $n = 15$, and $p = 0.25$.


mean $= np = 0.25 \times 15 = 3.75$

variance $= np(1-p) = 3.75 \times 0.75 = 2.8125$

So use CLT with $X \sim N(3.75, 2.8125/20)$

On my calculator I use the Cumulative Normal, with lower limit $-\infty$, upper limit $4$, $\sigma=\sqrt{2.8125/20}$, $\mu=3.75$

I get $0.748$, but the textbook answer is $0.0748$:

enter image description here

Am I right and this is a typo?

Best Answer

OK, so you have indeed have $N=20,n=15,p=0.25$, so then $$ \begin{split} \mu &= np &= 15*0.25 &= 3.75 \\ \sigma^2 &= np(1-p) &= 15*0.25*0.75 &= 2.8125 \end{split} $$ and the standard deviation to use in the Normal distribution approximation would be $$ s = \sqrt{\sigma^2/N} = \sqrt{2.8125/20} = 0.375. $$

You can use Wolfram Alpha Normal CDF calculator to see that $\mathbb{P}[X < 4] = 0.7475$.

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