Cell Complex of Cartesian Product


Let $X$ and $Y$ be cell complexes. Then $X \times Y$ has the structure of a cell complex with cells the product of $e^{m}_{\alpha} \times e^{n}_{\beta}$ where $e^{m}_{\alpha}$ ranges over the cells of $X$ and $e^{n}_{\beta}$ ranges over the cells of $Y$. So firstly, I have seen many answers that say the attachment map for the cell $e^{m}_{\alpha} \times e^{n}_{\beta}$ is the corresponding map is $\phi_{\alpha} \times \psi_{\beta}$ where $\phi_{\alpha}$ is the attachment map of the boundary of $e^{m}_{\alpha}$ and $\psi_{\beta}$ is the attachment map of $e^{n}_\beta$. I don't think I understand the product map. Here are my issues.
1) If $e^{m}_{\alpha} \times e^{n}_{\beta}$ is a cell in the product then we must glue a disk of dimension $n+m$. Is it true that we know how to glue a disk $D^{n+m+}$ because it is homemorphic to $D^{m} \times D^{n}$ and we know how to attach the products of cells?
My main question is I really don't understand how this attachment map works.
I want to bring up an example to show where I am confused. The torus is a cell complex with 1 o-cell, then attaching two 1- cells. Then we attach a $2- cell$ along the wedge of circles following the path $aba^{-1}b^{-1}$. Now lets try to build the torus from knowing how to build $S^{1}$. For one $S^{1}$ let $e_{0}$ be the 0-cell and $e_{1}$ be the 1-cell with attachment map $\phi_{1}$. For the second circle denote $f_{0}$ as the o -cell and $f_{1}$ as the 1-cell with attachment map $\psi_{1}$. Lets now build the torus. So our only 0-cell is $e_{0} \times f_{0}$. So say we are at the stage with a wedge of two circles. How do we attach the cell $e_{1} \times f_{1}$ using $\phi_{1} \times \psi_{1}$?

Best Answer

I don't know why someone would say that the attaching map of $e_m \times e_n$ has the form $\phi_\alpha \times \psi_\beta$. That would seem to imply that the domain of the attaching map is $S^{m-1} \times S^{n-1}$, which does not even have the right dimension for the boundary of a cell of dimension $m+n$.

Instead the boundary of $D^m \times D^n$ is $(S^{m-1} \times D^n) \cup (D^m \times S^{n-1})$. You can convince yourself that this is homeomorphic to $S^{m+n-1}$, via the restriction of some homeomorphism from $D^m \times D^n$ to $D^{m+n}$.

So the attaching map for $e^m_\alpha \times e^n_\beta$ must be a function of the form $$\gamma_{\alpha,\beta} : (S^{m-1} \times D^n) \cup (D^m \times S^{n-1}) \to (X \times Y)^{(m+n-1)} $$ We already have attaching maps for the cells $e^m_\alpha$ and $e^n_\beta$ of the form $$\phi_\alpha : S^{m-1} \to X^{(m-1)} \qquad\qquad \psi_\beta : S^{n-1} \to Y^{(n-1)} $$ which extend to characteristic maps for those cells of the form $$\chi_\alpha : D^m \to X^{(m)} \qquad\qquad \omega_\beta : D^n \to Y^{(n)} $$ The definition of the attaching map for $e^m_\alpha \times e^n_\beta$ can therefore be given by the function $$\gamma_{\alpha,\beta}(x,y) = \begin{cases} (\phi_\alpha(x),\omega_\beta(y)) & \quad\text{if $(x,y) \in S^{m-1} \times D^n$} \\ (\chi_\alpha(x),\psi_\beta(y)) &\quad\text{if $(x,y) \in D^m \times S^{n-1}$} \end{cases} $$ and one should note that $$(\phi_\alpha(x),\omega_\beta(y)) \in X^{(m-1)} \times Y^n \subset (X \times Y)^{m+n-1} $$ and that $$(\chi_\alpha(x),\psi_\beta(y)) \in X^m \times Y^{n-1} \subset (X \times Y)^{m+n-1} $$

Seeing the formula for $\gamma_{\alpha,\beta}$, one could say that $\gamma_{\alpha,\beta}$ is the restriction to $(S^{m-1} \times D^n) \cup (D^m \times S^{n-1})$ of the product of the characteristic maps $\chi_\alpha \times \omega_\beta$.

But it is certainly wrong to say it is the product of the attaching maps $\phi_\alpha \times \psi_\beta$. I'm curious to know where you saw such answers.

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