Cauchy’s Theorem about finite groups using group actions, counting elements of X by orbit, how does that work


I'm following along the proof of Cauchy's Theorem using group actions, from (proof 2).

The theorem states:

If $G$ is a finite group and $p$ is a prime number dividing the order of $G$ (the number of elements in G), then $G$ contains an element of order $p$.

The proof mentions:

[…] As remarked, orbits in $X$ under this action either have size 1 or size $p$. The former happens precisely for those tuples $(x,x,\ldots,x)$ for which $x^p=e$. Counting the elements of $X$ by orbits, and reducing modulo $p$, one sees that the number of elements satisfying $x^p=e$ is divisible by $p$. […]

(1) I'm not sure what "Counting the elements of $X$ by orbits" refers to. From what I think it means:

  • For each element $x$ of $X$, I find the orbit of $x$
  • Then I count the number of elements that have the same orbit?

(2) Then, how can I get from here to the conclusion that the number of elements satisfying $x^p=e$ is divisible by $p$?

Best Answer

  1. Let us first count the elements by orbits.

Lemma: Let $G$ be a $p$-group acting on a finite set $X$, then $|X^G|\equiv |X|\pmod p$, where $X^G$ is the set of fixed points of this group action, i.e., set of $x\in X$ such that $gx = x$ for all $g\in G$.

Proof: Since $X$ is finite, then say $X^G = \{x_1,\ldots, x_n\}$ has $n$ elements (notice that each element has orbit size $1$), and pick representatives $x_{n+1},\ldots, x_{n+m}$ for orbits of size more than $1$. Since $X$ can be partitioned into disjoint union of orbits, we know $X = \coprod\limits_{i=1}^{n+m}\operatorname{orb}(x_i)$. For $i > n$, we have $|\operatorname{orb}(x_i)| = \frac{|G|}{|\operatorname{stab}(x_i)|}$ by the orbit-stabilizer theorem, but since the orbit is greater than $1$ and $G$ is a $p$-group, then $p$ must divide $\operatorname{orb}(x_i)$ for $i > n$. By the partition, we have $|X| = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n+m}|\operatorname{orb}(x_i)|\equiv \sum\limits_{i=1}^n |\operatorname{orb}(x_i)| = |X^G|\pmod p. $

  1. As mentioned, every orbit has size $1$ or $p$, and $X^G$ is exactly the set of tuples that are fixed with orbit size $1$, i.e., the elements $x\in X$ such that $(x,\ldots, x)\in X$ such that $x^p = e$. Recall from the proof that $X$ has size $|G|^{p-1}$, so it has size divisible by $p$, therefore $X^G$ also has size divisible by $p$.
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