Category-Theoretic Definition of an Action


I'm struggling with the definition of an action in category theory, this is nLab's definition:

An action of a group $G$ on an object $x$ in a category $C$ is a representation of $G$ on $x$, that is a group homomorphism $\rho : G \to Aut(x)$, where $Aut(x)$ is the automorphism group of $x$.

As indicated above, a more sophisticated but equivalent definition treats the group $G$ as a category denoted $\mathbf{B} G$ with one object, say $*$. Then an action of $G$ in the category $C$ is just a functor
$$\rho : \mathbf{B} G \to C.$$
Here the object $x$ of the previous definition is just $\rho(*)$.

The definition indicating that each object in $G$ specifies an automorphism on $x$ makes sense to me, but I don't understand how this is equivalent to a functor that just identifies $x$.

And from Category Theory in Context:

Let $G$ be a group, regarded as a one-object category $\mathbf{B} G$. A functor
$X : \mathbf{B} G \to C$ specifies an object $X \in C$ (the unique object in its image) together with an
endomorphism $g^∗ : X \to X$ for each $g \in G$. This assignment must satisfy two conditions:

(i) $h^∗g^∗$ = $(hg)^∗$ for all $g, h \in G$.

(ii) $e^∗ = 1_X$, where $e \in G$ is the identity element.

This sounds like the second definition from nLab, except that it adds the endomorphism $g^*$, which seems to make it more compatible with the $\rho : G \to Aut(x)$ definition. How are these two definitions equivalent?

Best Answer

As the discussion at the linked nLab page notes, the word action can have various meanings and related applications in category theory. The phrase action of a group is more precise, but still susceptible of two distinct but equivalent framings.

We are first given a group $G$ and a category $C$ that has an object $x$. What is defined is an action of group $G$ on such an object $x$. It is said to be "a representation of $G$ on $x$, that is a group homomorphism $\rho:G \to \operatorname{Aut}(x)$". Note that this allows the trivial homomorphism, one that sends all elements of $G$ to the identity arrow on $x$.

Also the category $C$ might as well be reduced to just the one object $x$ in this context, because $\operatorname{Aut}(x)$ depends only on certain arrows from $x$ to itself.

The "more sophisticated" approach restates this idea by "treat[ing] the group $G$ as a category denoted $\mathbf B G$ with one object, say $*$." Here the arrows of category $\mathbf B G$ are the elements of $G$, the composition of arrows is given by group multiplication, and the identity arrow on $\mathbf B G$ corresponds to the identity element of $G$. This construction allows us to concisely define an action of group $G$ as a functor $\rho:\mathbf B G \to C$.

Verifying the equivalence of these two approaches is straightforward once the claim is established that a group essentially amounts to a one-object category in which every arrow has an inverse, as previously shown on Math.SE.

We are able to uniquely identify the object $x$ in category $C$ as the image of object $*$ in category $\mathbf B G$, and likewise the identity arrow on $x$ must correspond to the identity arrow on $*$. Because the arrows of $\mathbf B G$ are the elements of group $G$, the functor $\rho$ sends arrows of $\mathbf B G$ to arrows from $x$ to $x$ in category $C$, and because the group elements are invertible, these arrow images have inverse arrows in $C$, also from $x$ to $x$, and thus these arrow images belong to $\operatorname{Aut}(x)$.

It's hard to be sure I'm not overlooking an important point that causes doubts here about equivalence of the two approaches. A rigorous step-by-step demonstration strikes me as overkill, but if more detail is needed I'd be glad to supply them.

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