Cartesian formula for incenter of tangential quadrilateral from vertices only (no angles)


I'm looking for the Cartesian formula to express the coordinates of the incenter of a tangential quadrilateral based on the coordinates of the vertices (without angles). I couldn't find such a formula anywhere. I was only able to find the general formula for the incenter of a triangle. The algebra also seems to be very tedious and I don't have the patience to derive it in pen and paper. If that helps, I need the formula for programming purposes. So, if anyone knows where I can find it, that would be great. Thank you!

Edit: Thank you all for coming up with these great solutions and describing them in such depth. I really appreciate it!

Best Answer

Edit : in fact the solution I presented at first is not simple ; I keep it as "Solution n°2" in order to understand in particular the very interesting comment of Blue.

Solution n°1 (the simplest):

enter image description here

(this figure is adapted from this site).

Idea: the center is plainly the incenter (center of incircle) of triangle $BDE$ where $E$ is the intersection point of $AB$ and $CD$ (assumed non parallel : otherwise take the other pair of opposite sides, of course if $ABCD$ isn't a square).

Details of computation : The coordinates of $E$ are given by considering that there exists $\lambda, \ \mu$ such that:


Implying $$\lambda(A-B)+\mu(D-C)=D-B\tag{b}$$

giving rise to the linear system:


Solving it, we get in particular a formula for $\lambda$:


that we just have to "plug" into (a), giving:

$$\begin{cases}x_E&=&x_B+\lambda (x_A-x_B)\\y_E&=&y_B+\lambda (y_A-y_B)\end{cases}$$

We are now able to deduce the coordinates of incenter $I=k(aA + bB +eE) \ \text{with} \ k:=\dfrac{1}{a+b+c}$:


i.e., the weighted average of the coordinates of $A,B,E$ with weights the lengths $a=BE=\sqrt{(x_E-x_B)^2+(y_E-y_B)^2}$, $b=AE$, e=$AB$.

Solution n°2 (less simple):

It is based on Newton's theorem as described and proved in the reference given above.


$$\begin{cases}x_E&=&\tfrac12(x_A+x_C)\\ y_E&=&\tfrac12(y_A+y_C)\end{cases} \ \ \ \begin{cases}x_F&=&\tfrac12(x_B+x_D)\\ y_F&=&\tfrac12(y_B+y_D)\end{cases}$$

the coordinates of center $O$ are :

$$\begin{cases}x_O&=&\lambda x_E + (1-\lambda)x_F\\y_O&=&\lambda y_E + (1-\lambda)y_F \end{cases}\tag{1}$$

for a certain $\lambda, 0 \le \lambda \le 1$.

Besides, consider the following double formula that can be found in this article

$$K=r.s=\frac12 \sqrt{p^2q^2-(ac-bd)^2}\tag{2}$$

where $K$ is the area of the quadrilateral, $a,b,c,d$ its side lengths, $p,q$ its diagonal lengths, $r$ the radius of the inscribed circle, $s=\frac12(a+b+c+d)$ the semi-perimeter.

From (2), radius $r$ can be expressed as a function of $a,b,c,d,p,q$.

It remains to constrain the distance from $O$ to line $AB$ to be equal to $r$. For this we need the equation of straight line $AB$, which is :


or, in an expanded form:

$$ux+vy+w=0 \ \text{with} \ \begin{cases}u&=&y_A-y_B\\v&=&x_B-x_A\\w&=&x_Ay_B-x_By_A\end{cases}$$

then the distance from $O$ to line $AB$ is given by a classical formula:


(3) is a first degree equation in $\lambda$ from which one can deduce its value (in fact one has to choose between a plus and a minus sign for the absolute value).

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