Cardinality of union of sets of a given cardinality


I know that:

  1. finite union of finite sets is a finite set
  2. countable union of countable sets is a countable set

It is possible to characterize the sets $C$ of cardinals satisfying the following property?

for every set $\mathscr S$ of cardinality belonging to $C$ whose members are sets of cardinality belonging $C$, the union:
$$\bigcup_{S\in\mathscr S}S$$
is a set of cardinality belonging to $C$.

If $C$ is the set of finite cardinals $\omega$, then we get 1.
If $C=\omega\cup\{\aleph_0\}$, then we get 2.

Best Answer

There are two things here which you somewhat merge together.

First, the naive answer, $c$ is either $0$ or $1$, or any infinite cardinal. To see that, note that $c^2=c$ holds exactly in those cases. Now for each $S\in\scr S$ choose a bijection with $c$, and we just get $c^2$.

Now, what about the "finite unions of finite sets are finite"? That's not really a cardinality. Instead, this is "the union of fewer than $\aleph_0$ sets, each of size less than $\aleph_0$ is also smaller than $\aleph_0$". So the question is "If $|\mathscr S|< c$ and each $S\in\scr S$, $|S|<c$, then $|\bigcup\mathscr S|<c$".

This is exactly the same as claiming that $c$ is a regular cardinal, which includes all the successor cardinals, $\aleph_0$, and the (weakly) inaccessible cardinals.