Can’t find the inverse of Laplace Transform.

laplace transformpartial fractions

Find $\mathcal{L}^{-1}{(F(s))}$, if given $F(s)=\dfrac{2}{s(s^2+4)}$.

I have tried as below.

To find inverse of Laplace transform, I want to make partial fraction as below.

After that, we have system of linear equation

Thus we have $A=2$, $B=-2$, and $C=0$.
Now, substituting $A, B, C$ and we have

But the fact is
\dfrac{2}{s(s^2+4)}\neq \dfrac{2}{s}+\dfrac{-2s}{s^2+4} = \dfrac{8}{s^2+4}.

I'm stuck here. I can't make a partial fraction for $F(s)$ and I can't find inverse of Laplace transform for $F(s)$.

Anyone can give me hint to give me hint for this problem?

Best Answer

You made a mistake because $A \neq 2$
$4A=2$ then $A=\frac{1}{2}$

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