Canonical morphism of dualizing sheaves under normalization.


The following appears in a paper by Hwang and Oguiso.

Let $V'$ be a complex variety with the property that
its normalization is smooth and the dualizing sheaf $ω_{V'}$ is invertible. Denoting
by $ν: V \to V'$ the normalization map, we have a natural injective sheaf map
$ω_V \to ν^* ω_{V'}$.

My question: How is the sheaf map $\omega_V \to \nu^* \omega_{V'}$ defined?

I think this may be related to Hartshorne, Exercise III 7.2

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a finite morphism of projective schemes of the same dimension over a field $k$, and let $\omega_X$ be a dualizing sheaf for $Y$.

  1. Show that $f^! \omega_Y$ is a dualizing sheaf for $X$.
  2. If $X$ and $Y$ are both nonsingular, and $k$ algebraically closed, conclude that there is a natural trace map $t: f_* \omega_X \to \omega_Y$.

The trace map from 2. actually exists for the dualizing sheaves, even if $Y$ is not smooth, so I do get a morphism

$$ f_* \omega_{V} \to \omega_{V'},$$

but taking the pull-back yields $f^* f_* \omega_V \to f^* \omega_{V'}$, which is not the desired result.

Best Answer

I benefit a lot from the answer from Sándor Kovács, see Inclusion of (pulling back of) dualizing sheaves under normalization, and I write the details of this question here.

Now, $V^\prime$ is a complex variety such that $\omega_{V^\prime}$ is locally free, this will be satisfied if $V$ is Gorenstein for instance. Taking the normalization $\mu:V\rightarrow V^\prime$ then we know that $\omega_V$ is reflexive thus torsion free anyhow.

As you have noted, we have the map $$\rho:\mu^*\mu_*\omega_V \rightarrow \mu^* \omega_{V^\prime}$$ by pulling back the trace map. And, since $\mu$ is finite, we have the following short exact sequence: $$0\rightarrow \mathcal T\rightarrow \mu^*\mu_*\omega_V \rightarrow \omega_V\rightarrow 0$$ where $\mathcal T$ is the torsion subsheaf of $\mu^*\mu_*\omega_V$. The first thing one should observe that is $\rho$ must factor through $\omega_V$. This is because that $\mu^*\omega_{V^\prime}$ is locally free thus torsion free. Then one can define a (well-defined) map as follows (abuse some notations): $$\iota: \omega_V\rightarrow \mu^* \omega_{V^\prime}, \quad a\mapsto\rho(a^\prime)$$ where $a^\prime$ is any lift of $a$ in $\mu^*\mu_*\omega_V.$

The finial issue that $\textrm{Ker }(\iota)=0$ is then obvious as we have mentioned that $\omega_V$ is indeed torsion free.

Some comments: the assumption that $\omega_{V^\prime}$ is locally free is crucial here, since we need the pull-back of it is torsion free. However, without some extra assumption(such as flat), the pull back of reflexive may not be reflexive. Similarly, pull back of torsion free sheaves also may not be torsion free, see Jean RUPPENTHAL & Martin SERA's paper Modifications of torsion-free coherent analytic sheaves.

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