Can we imply $\exists x\phi(x)\rightarrow \exists x\psi(x)$ from $\exists x(\phi(x)→\psi(x))$


let $\Sigma$ be a consistent set of formulas in first-order logic and implies $\exists x(\phi (x)→\psi(x))$. which one of these statements is logical implication from $\Sigma$?

a) $\forall x\phi(x)→\forall y\psi(y) $

b) $\exists x\phi(x)→\forall y\psi(y)$

c) $\exists x\phi(x)→\exists x\psi(x) $

d) $\forall x\phi (x)→\exists y\psi(y)$

I think This sentence implies $\exists x\phi(x)→\exists x\psi(x) $ but the answer is $\forall x\phi (x)→\exists y\psi(y)$ how we can imply that for all x exist a y which $y\psi(y)$ ?! I can't understand it.

Best Answer

The inference $\exists x (\phi(x) \to \psi(x)) \nvDash \exists x\phi(x) \to \exists x \psi(x)$ is invalid because there exists a counter model:
Let the domain be $\{a, b\}$ and $\phi$ true of $a$ but not of $b$, and $\psi$ true of none of the elements.
Then for $x \mapsto b$, $\phi(x)$ is false so $\phi(x) \to \psi(x)$ is true, so $\exists x (\phi(x) \to \psi(x))$ is true.
But $\exists x \phi(x)$ is true with $x \mapsto a$ whereas $\exists x \psi(x)$ is false since $\psi$ is true of neither $a$ nor $b$, so $\exists x \phi(x) \to \exists x \psi(x)$ is false.
Since in this structure the premise is true but the conclusion is false, the inference is invalid.

The inference $\exists x (\phi(x) \to \psi(x)) \vDash \forall x\phi(x) \to \exists x \psi(x)$ is valid by the following reasoning:

By assumption, $\phi(x) \to \psi(x)$ holds of some object; let it be $y$. Assume $\forall x \phi(x)$, then in particular $\phi$ holds of $y$. By modus ponens, $\psi$ must also be true of $y$. Hence there exists an object of which $\psi$ holds, so $\exists x \psi(x)$ is true. Thus $\forall x \phi(x) \to \exists x \psi(x)$. Since an object such as $y$ is assumed to exist, $\forall x \phi(x) \to \exists x \psi(x)$ holds regardless of which particular object $\phi(x) \to \psi(x)$ is true of.

As an exercise, you can now try to translate this informal proof into a natural deduction proof.

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